Whatever else he may have said would have to wait as the other two Alphas came down the stairs, interrupting us, both balancing multiple boxes in their arms. Aubrey made an odd little squeak and hustled over to open the front door for them. We needed to get everything they wanted from the house packed up and moved out.

“Ethan, you should go through your room, too. I’m sure there are things we missed when Aubrey and I tried to pack that night.”

Mom patted my cheek before linking her arm with Aubrey and walking up the stairs. I followed behind them knowing that I’d take a few pictures and sentimental things, but mostly just wanting the time to think.



Mom, Aubrey, and I rode to their new apartment, mostly in silence, with Aubrey’s bodyguard driving. I hadn’t been ready for another tension-filled drive with Trevor or having to deal with a completely different type of tension if I’d gone with my brother. Aubrey sat with me in the back seat of Daniels’ SUV and we both spent the ride looking out our windows, lost in thought.

“We’re here.”

I leaned over to look out Aubrey’s window at the beautiful high-rise building. It was a stunning blend of historic cinder block, which made me think of a stately courthouse, but then after several floors the design blended into a modern high-rise. As we got out of the car, I found myself reaching for my phone to take a photo of the ornate carvings around the large windows so I could ask Miles what they were called. I blushed thinking about curling into him on the couch while his deep voice explained all the details to me.

“Why are you blushing, E? Is there a dick in those carvings or something?”

Ladies and gentlemen, my baby sister.

“No, Aubs. It’s pretty and I was going to ask Miles about it.”

Aubrey opened her mouth, no doubt to tease me about the blush creeping up my cheeks, but I was saved by Daniels’ rumbling voice drawing her attention away.

“Mrs. West let's get you all inside please. I am aware of the situation surrounding Mr. West and Pack Owens and I would rather not have you all on the street for long.”

Mom nodded and took the arm that Daniels offered her as they turned to walk. Aubrey looked at me and the mischievous sparkle was back in her eye. I gave her a silly little bow and extended my arm for her in the same way. She giggled and looped her arm through mine, leaning her head on my shoulder as we went through the automatic sliding doors to the lobby area. The large space had the elegant feel of a grand hotel’s lobby with two seating areas on either side of the doors and a manned desk in front of a bank of elevators. Trevor and Nate came in the revolving doors while we stood there, unsure of where to go or what to do next. Nate walked past and waved for us to follow. We all moved after him with Trevor bringing up the rear, hands in his pockets, looking a little unsure of himself. Ignoring my Omega urge to soothe him, I focused on what my brother was saying.

“We’re up on the tenth floor. The apartments use keys but there are security fobs that are the only way to access the elevator and stair access doors to get to the resident levels. Visitors will have to be called in ahead of time and met at the lobby unless they have a pass. There is a doorman and a security guard here, twenty-four seven. It’s one of the best buildings for unbonded Omegas.”

“It’s lovely, Nathan.”

Nate smiled at Mom’s words and pressed the button to call the elevator. When we were younger, he’d always been a nervous talker and it made me smile knowing that this, at least, hadn’t changed. Once we were all inside, he hovered a fob on his keyring over the panel and pressed the button for the tenth floor. The silence lasted about ten seconds before Nate started talking again.

“There are only three apartments on the floor. Yours has four bedrooms and great views of the park on Broadway.”

“Nate, stop acting like a realtor.”

Nate shifted uncomfortably and Mom shot Aubrey a look that had both of us ducking our heads.

“I just meant that I’m sure it’s amazing. The downstairs was so pretty and… don’t stress so much, okay?”

The lift stopped and the doors opened into a wide hallway that had large windows at either end. There were two apartment doors on the right side and only one on the left. Nate walked to the door on the left and turned a key in the lock at the same time he tapped the fob on a square above the handle. It was like a hotel key card lock that made you use a real key as well.

“The door makes you use both to get in but there is also a deadbolt that only locks from the inside. We can get another sliding lock as well if you feel more comfortable with that, just say the word.”

He opened the door and stepped inside, holding it for the rest of us to enter and… wow. There was a small foyer area that opened to what would have been called a great room in a house. There was a dining area to the left of the foyer and a beautiful kitchen with an island and seating to the right. But it was the wall of windows in the living room that really took my breath away. Aubrey, Mom, and I all walked in a trance-like state into that space to take it all in. What I thought were floor to ceiling windows at first glance were actually sliding glass doors that led to a balcony that had outdoor chairs with plush, overstuffed cushions. Beyond the balcony was a view of one of the downtown parks and the skyline around it. It was incredible. I looked over at Mom who was standing with her hands clasped to her chest, a small smile on her face, and tears welling in her eyes.

“I know it’s not as big as the house and you won’t be able to garden really but there’s a rooftop green space and, with the park, it might make up for that? Also, I can return any of the furniture that you don’t like, I didn’t pick out any bedding or anything so we can go to a store with a nesting department, whatever you need. I—oof.”

Aubrey had launched herself at him in what was nearly a tackle and had her arms wrapped around his waist, pressing her face into his chest. Mom turned to him, her smile widening.

“It’s perfect, mi vida. Thank you.”

Nate wrapped his big arms around Aubrey and leaned his cheek down to the top of her head, squeezing her tightly for a moment.

“Mom’s suite is on this side of the apartment and the other three rooms are on the opposite side. One of the rooms was intended to be an office but I had a Murphy bed put in so it could be another guest room. Aubs, you want to go pick which room you want between the other two?”

“Say no more.”