Page 111 of Wicked Billionaire

It was shit luck that I talked to Terri before I flipped through the journal on the way here or that Bill hadn’t called an hour earlier.

An itchy sensation burrowed its way into my skin. I wanted to dig in and scratch at my twitchy muscles until they bled. I was going to kill Tony and whoever he was working with.

I needed to work through the energy sparking between my nerve endings. My long legs ate up the distance as I paced to the brick wall of the building and then back to the chain link fence.

A sharp pain tightened my chest. I needed to be doing something to find Hazel. Not standing here. Fucking helpless.

“Who do you think did this?” Killian asked.

I ran my hand through my hair. I hated voicing my suspicion. “My dad’s best friend. The man I’ve looked up to for the past twenty years.”

“Oh, fuck,” Killian’s sharp inhale reminded me I needed to breathe. “How did you figure it out?”

“Dad left a journal behind. On the way here I realized he’d written dates, times, and account information his bosses had used to embezzle money from their company in our secret code. He thought someone was helping the Sultons but he wasn’t sure who.”

Someone like Terri.

The first ring had barely started before I answered. “What’s his status?”

“Shit. He didn’t answer so I ran around back. He’s gone,” Dex responded.

“Fuck. I’m going to fucking kill him.” My pulse sped up as I thought of all the ways I’d make Tony suffer.

“Jareth there’s more. I talked to some of the kitchen staff, and one of the servers was out back. He said he saw Tony usher Hazel into a limo with tinted windows.”

My heart stopped. “Did he get the plate or any identifying information?”

“He said he only saw the first letter of the plate as it sped off. It was a T.”

Terri had a fleet of limos at his disposal. They were all his first and last initial, and a number.

“Are you still out back?” I forced the words through my tight throat. Fear for Hazel was making it hard to keep a level head.

“I am.”

“I’ll be out in a minute. If I find out you had anything to do with this, I’ll fucking kill you too, Dex.”

Killian gave a weird choked laughter and grabbed my arm, forcing me out from the silent green room. “He’s such a kidder.”

In the hall, I wrenched my arm from his tight grip. “I wasn’t kidding.”

“I know, but everyone in that room heard you. Not exactly the greatest alibi if people start turning up dead, you fucker.”

I stalked down a back hall that led to an exit and likely the kitchen if the sounds beyond the other door were to be believed. I stuck my head into the kitchen. “Someone get Mike to the back entrance.” When it seemed that everyone was just going to stare at me I barked out, “Now.”

One of the servers disappeared into the front room, and I headed back out into the hall. “I’ll go with you. You need back up,” Killian said. “Give me a few minutes, and I can try to get a hold of the other guys, too.”

“You don’t need to involve yourself.” I was used to working alone.

“Fuck that. You can’t trust your closest guys right now. You need us.”

I rubbed my forehead. He was right. Until I knew for sure I couldn’t trust Tony, Dex, or anyone else on my staff. “Fine.”

Killian immediately started to text the rest of the guys.

I shoved open the back door. The scratched, and scarred metal struggled to give way and let out a groan of protest once I got it to open. The first person I saw was Dex.

Red clouded my vision. In seconds, I had my forearm at his throat, and he was slammed up against the wall. “If you had anything to do with this?—”