Page 112 of Wicked Billionaire

Dex didn’t try to fight me. He stayed still. His throat bobbed under my assault. “I didn’t. I know you don’t believe me yet, but I’d never hurt Hazel.”

Footsteps thundered through the alley toward us. “What the hell is going on?” Mike asked. The man was smart enough not to get between me and Dex.

“Phone.” Dex immediately handed it to me. I gave it to Killian. “Check the most recent calls.” I’d reach out to Amelia to scour his phone and anyone else on the team I thought might have been working with my godfather.

“The last call went out at 12:00 to you. The last text at 1:00 to Jen.” Dex had been dating someone named Jen. I’d have Amelia dig into her background too. “Nothing in the texts, calls, or messages suggest he was involved.”

I slowly released my arm. “Keep Dex here with you, Mike. Don’t let him out of your sight and hold on to his phone until I say otherwise.”

“Jareth, come on. You know me,” Dex said, his voice slightly hoarse. “He was my friend. I need to be there when you confront him.”

“I can’t take a chance with Hazel’s safety, Dex.” Not until I trusted him.

“Hazel?” Mike asked and sent a glare to Dex that was pure fire.

“Someone took her. I think it was my godfather and one of my bodyguards, Tony.”

Dex’s head snapped to me. “Terri?”

I dialed Elias. “I need you to meet me?—”

“I’m already here,” Elias responded. I shifted my gaze to the end of the alley and noticed the familiar front end of my car.

“Killian. Let’s go. Mike, I’ll be in touch.” Mike lifted his chin in acknowledgment.

The back door swung open, and Alden came barrelling out. “What the fuck is going on? Mike’s not at the front door.”

I buried my pride and asked the last person in the world who would want to deal with me. “I need your help.”

Alden had former military training and now worked as a bodyguard. He also had experience with kidnappings, and for the first time, I was embarrassed I’d been the root cause of one of them. He had every right to turn me down, but he loved Hazel just as much as everyone else. For her sake, he’d put aside our differences and for that I’d rip up the ridiculous contract I made him sign.

I took a deep breath, and expelled any fear associated with Hazel’s disappearance. Tonight I needed to don my mask of indifference, shove down my feelings, and do whatever it took to get Hazel home. Usually, I was alone in my pursuits, but today, I had a pair of unlikely allies.

I was in uncharted waters. In the past, I didn’t have an emotional tie to what I was dealing with. Now I did. I’d get Hazel out alive. The same couldn’t be said for my uncle.

Alden rubbed at the scruff coating his chin. “You need my help? Why the fuck would I help you?”

“Because I can’t lose her.” Just saying the words ripped my throat raw.

Alden’s eyes narrowed. “Hazel? What the fuck happened and who do I need to hurt?”

“I’m pretty sure my godfather and Tony took Hazel.”

He looked at Dex. “Is he in on this too?”

“That’s to be determined.” The pain of Tony’s betrayal cut deep. “We’re wasting time.” I hurried toward my car, knowing Killian and Alden were behind me. That was the kind of loyalty Hazel inspired.

The three of us climbed into my car.

“Where to?” Elias asked, his concerned gaze meeting mine as he turned to face me.

“That’s what I need to figure out.” I dialed Amelia. The second the phone picked up, I barked out my commands. “I need you to track Hazel’s phone. Then, do an in-depth search into Tony and Dex. I want to know who they’re talking to and if they’re someone in contact with Terri.”

She didn’t hesitate. “Is Hazel okay?”

I crossed my fingers that she wasn’t also compromised. “No. I need to find her immediately.”

“On it. The second I get Hazel’s location, I’ll message you. It’ll take a little longer for the rest.”