Page 45 of Two/Face

I look towards him, his arrogant smirk plastered all over his face. I can’t help but smile and shake my head at the same time, giving him a gentle nudge.

“I don’t want you getting in trouble because of me.”

“I `haven’t, I explained to the captain I’m just here paying my respects, and if it helps keep Harry and Luca away from you, then it’s a win-win.” He shrugs.

I feel myself deflate when he mentions them, looking away briefly. I scan the surrounding area in case they could still be watching. Feeling Bhodi’s warm hand on my chin, he pulls my focus back to him. For a moment, he searches my eyes.

Fear like that doesn’t just go away, no matter how much I will it to or try to remain positive. I know it’ll take time and a hell of a lot of distance before I stop looking over my shoulder.

“Is Luca the guy with Harry?” When I ask the question, I watch as Bhodi stiffens.

He delicately pushes my hair away from my face, his palm cupping my cheeks as his eyes soften.

“You don’t have to worry about him. He won’t be a problem soon.”

I swallow hard at that statement. The bluntness of the comment tells me all I need to know.

“Who is he, Bhodi?”

“He’s a dangerous man, the worst kind of person. He has no loyalty, no conscience, and will work for whoever is paying.”

My eyes widen, processing Bhodi’s words. Blinking a couple of times, I begin to choke on my words, a lump forming in my throat, trying to understand the hidden meaning behind the comment.

“Do you think he killed my dad?” Managing to speak, I hear my voice break.

Bhodi swallows hard, feeling his hand tense slightly against my cheek. My eyes dart around his face, looking for an answer.

“I believe it’s possible, yes.”

I immediately pull away, slapping his hand away as the rage and sadness begins to crawl over me.

“Then why has no one fucking arrested him then?” I spit out.

Shaking my head, I take a couple of steps back. Trying to create distance between us as my hands begin to tremble. The thought of the man who killed my dad, having the fucking audacity to attend the funeral of the man he killed, seems so fucking heartless and cruel, and Harry was there, waving it in my face. Taunting me with his smug fucking grin, knowing he knew something I didn’t.

“We can’t arrest someone with no fucking evidence, can we? If we did and the case was thrown out, it means we have nothing, and that bastard walks!”

Bhodi snaps back at me, the frustration clear in his voice. As my bottom lip begins to tremble and more tears threaten to fall, I try to move away. After a couple of steps, I feel his firm grasp around my wrist, tugging me towards him.

I brace my palms against his chest, refusing to fall into his warm embrace. As much as I need to, I just can’t. Shaking my head, I push away again. Running a frustrated hand through my hair, I look towards the busy street.

Seeing all the yellow cabs driving by, I decide my best option is to head home. I feel the waves of sickness begin to wash over me, the exhaustion and the many questions swimming through my mind.

“I need to go home.”

“I’ll take you.”

Taking a step forward, I put my hand out for Bhodi to stop. For a moment, I see a flicker of disappointment cross his face as he halts.

“I’ll get a cab; I just want to be alone.”

I turn away and proceed down the steps, refusing to look back. Stepping onto the curb, I hold out my hand, and within a few seconds, one pulls up. Sliding into the backseat, it pulls away and I allow my head to fall back into the headrest, hot tears streaming down my cheeks.

Chapter Twenty-Two


The funeral was tough, but it was made tougher by the appearance of Harry and Luca. With my fist clenched tight around the beer bottle, I feel the tremble and muscle tension running up and down my arm. My deep hatred for Luca currently overshadows the bitter resentment I have towards Harry.