Page 46 of Two/Face

“The police won’t arrest Luca, will they?” Jimmy asks. Even though he’s asked a question, I know it’s more of a statement.

Taking a swig of beer, I slam the bottle down on the table, alerting the rest.

“Of course, they fucking won’t. Nothing sticks. He’s too fucking good.” I spit out.

I look across the table as Pamela sits nursing a double whiskey, her fingers running up and down the glass. Her eyes fixed on the amber liquid as it gently rolls in the glass. As soon as Luca’s name is mentioned, her body language shifts. She becomes rigid, and her eyes widen for a moment as she tries to control the deep resentment that’s bubbling under the surface.

Axe shoots me a pissed-off look. Even the fact I’ve given Luca the accolade of being ‘too good’ causes waves of tension at the table.

“He’s the reason we’re all here.” All eyes move to Pamela. Her statement rings true as the memories of how we all met washes over us. Along with the shame of how we initially all failed her.

“We’re here because we’ve seen too often how victims don’t get justice.” I speak through gritted teeth.

“For fuck sake, Two, we fucking know he killed Michael. What’s stopping us from just killing him?” Axe interjects.

“Oh…fucking do we Axe? And just like that, we’ll just kill one of the most well-known men in the city and expect no repercussions?”

“Since when did you become all high and fucking mighty, huh?” Axe snipes back.

“Since we lost the fucking person that keeps us all in check!”

A silence falls amongst the table, the other three shifting uncomfortably.

Leaning back into my seat, I loosen my suffocating tie as the pressure from the group becomes almost unbearable.

“We can’t wait for him to strike.” Jimmy speaks, his calm voice bringing some reasoning back to us.

“I know that, but unless he tells us why he killed Michael, we don’t know if it was something to do with us or Summer.”

“It’s Summer, it must be. It’s hardly a coincidence that Harry followed her to New York and decided to align himself with Luca.” Pamela speaks softly, gently shrugging. “We’ve seen the lengths people will go to, to keep those they control in check.”

“Was anything ever left to Michael’s ex-wife in his will?” I turn to Jimmy.

“No, as soon as they divorced, it was all left to Summer. There was no mention of the ex.”

“Could Harry have organised Michael’s death, to stop Summer from leaving?” Axe shrugs.

“If he did, it didn’t work. She left anyway?”

Sitting around the table, the four of us are falling further and further down a warped rabbit hole. Nothing makes sense, and in every scenario we come up with, we’re able to counteract with a different argument.

“What if it was Luca, but Harry had nothing to do with it?”

We all turn to Jimmy, the confusion plastered over our expressions.

I feel my brows pinch, and I look at Jimmy; he nervously chews on the corner of his lip. I can see the cogs turning in his mind, his eyes darting between us, and he tries to piece together this riddle. But after a moment, he just shrugs, letting out a heavy, frustrated sigh.

“Fuck sake, I have no idea. But there’s something off about Rachel and Eric turning up today. Harry, well, we knew he would show up to get under Summer’s skin.”

We all nod in agreement as the silence and emptiness take over again.

“Do you know where she is now?” Pamela asks, concerned, leaning closer to the table.

Pulling out my phone, I click on the app. My face softens for a moment, instantly spotting Summer laying on her couch. Seeing the flicker from the TV, she must be watching a crime documentary. She’s engrossed in the screen.

“Yeah, she’s at Michaels.” Clicking on the separate camera in the hallway, I quickly scan the image, but it’s all clear.

“You ever going to tell her the truth?” Pamela’s eyes narrow on mine, her question thickening the tension further.