Page 107 of Lord of Retribution

“Agreed,” the others in the Brotherhood said.

“Today was a good day,” I murmured, watching as the tide began to take Ronin’s body out to sea.

Then I turned around.

The better day would be when I returned to the woman I loved.


“Don’t marry the person you think you can live with. Marry the individual you can’t live without.”

—James Dobson

Four weeks later



I’d never believed in it because of my bastard father who’d walked out on the most beautiful woman in the world. His fucking loss. But now? I fingered the gorgeous necklace the love of my life had given me on his return from Italy, the diamonds and rubies sparkling in the light shining in through the window. It was so very much me, especially since he’d added a sterling silver dog charm. The man knew me better than I wanted to let on.

Today was my wedding day. Not Maria Rossi, but Margot Rollins, to one of the most powerful men in the world, Daniel Thorn.

He was sexy as all get out and I’d come to find out, more romantic than I’d originally believed possible.

As I peered at myself in the mirror, I was shocked to say that I appeared like a fairy princess. Who was that girl staring back at me in the reflection? So much had occurred over the last few weeks, the whirlwind activity including being allowed to redecorate the house. House. What was I saying? The massive estate.

To my liking.

I bit my lower lip from the thought.

Zorro woofed and raised his head, glaring at me since I’d found a little doggy tux for him to wear. He was the ringbearer after all. He needed to be a fancy boy.

“You look fabulous, pup,” I told him.

He barked, his tail thumping against the floor.

“And his mommy dog looks beautiful,” my mother said from behind me. As she came closer, placing her hand on my shoulder, I realized I’d never been this happy. It wasn’t just because I was marrying the man of my dreams but also because she was in complete remission, the doctors believing she’d have a long life ahead of her.

She was taking that to heart, already bugging me about grandchildren.

I was eager to provide her with two, maybe three.

“Thank you, Mommy. I’m so glad you’re here.” My bestie Emily was also here, waiting downstairs, being entertained by Brock, who was healing nicely. He was forced to walk with a cane but had already told both Daniel and me he had no intention of keeping it. I also had a feeling it had to do with the fact he was a bit smitten with Emily. It was amazing how things worked out in the end.

“I will always be where my daughter is. I’m not going anywhere.” She fluffed my veil, taking her time doing so. This was a special day for both of us.

When we heard a knock on the door, she frowned.

“Stop, Mama. Just get the door.”

She rolled her eyes as if expecting Daniel, since the powerful man tended to get anything he wanted. However, she adored him and he did her as well. In fact, the entire two families were getting along famously.

When she opened the door, I was excited to see Maria and the man of her dreams, Leonardo. Maria squealed when she saw me, rushing inside. “Oh, God. You look beautiful.”

“Thank you. All because of you.” I meant what I said and was so happy she’d responded to treatment so well. Her warm color had returned, the brightness in her eyes becoming more intense every day. I was thrilled to see her doing so well.

“No. You saved my life. Well, you and that almost husband of yours.” She laughed, staying cozied up to Leonardo, who appeared like a vulture in his efforts to watch out for the woman he loved.