Page 106 of Lord of Retribution

“So, Tony was named after you?”

“You bastard,” Antonio said, his Italian accent heavy. “You killed my nephew in cold blood. It took years to find out it was you.” Did he think repeating his claim would force me to feel guilt? Please.

“Ah, well, do you have any idea why I did?” I asked casually.

“It doesn’t matter.”

I slammed my fist against the desk, sending a couple of items to the floor. “It did to me. He tried to rape my sister. Now, I don’t know how it is in your world, but in my mind that’s a reprehensible thing to do and not something I could tolerate. He deserved what he received.”

I could see a hint of surprise in the bastard’s eyes, which allowed a slight bit of satisfaction. I knew the game. That was all I’d get at this point. That was fine. I didn’t need anything more grandiose. The game was finished.

At least this hand anyway.

I backed away, heading to the bar to pour that cognac. Why the hell not? As I was doing so, I heard a scuffle, turning my head to notice both Don Amato and Don Giuseppe had punched Don DeMarco in retaliation.

That’s when Ronin, in his infinite stupidity, managed to pull something from the desk drawer. I recognized it immediately given my work with Brock. It was a smoke bomb.

“Get down,” I shouted a second before it exploded. I shielded my eyes, moving toward the desk immediately.

The men were coughing but I could tell there was a struggle going on.

“We have… DeMarco,” one of them yelled, although I couldn’t tell which one. When I felt a swath of cool air, I knew exactly where Ronin had gone.

Out the back door. The fucker actually thought he could get away from me? I struggled to get to the door, the smoke stinging my eyes and burning my throat, but nothing would stop me from killing the motherfucker.

After I dropped the cigar on the damp ground, I rubbed my eyes and noticed my prey moving toward the ocean. I had no clue what he thought he could do but I was down for the chase. I jogged closer, lifting my weapon in both hands. Ronin either didn’t care or didn’t hear me. Either way, I had the advantage.

Oh, it would be fun to take my time slicing and dicing him but the same images of Margot, including ones of her lush and delicious naked body floated into the back of my mind. Nope. I needed her more than spending time with this fucker.

“Ronin,” I said with no emotion. He stopped short, turning around to face me.

At least he wasn’t sniveling like so many men in this position would do. I’d give him some credit for that. Some. Not much.

“I guess I should have finished the job I started. Huh? I’m curious. Why kill your family?”

He took a few seconds before answering. “Because my father told me that after what you did, I could never be his replacement.”

Oh, wow. That was cold as fuck. “Am I supposed to say I’m sorry?”

He laughed. “Don’t bother.”

“O-kay. What about the Death Squad?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

As I’d expected. I took a few seconds debating what I wanted to do. Oops, darn. It was a few seconds too long. The bastard managed to pull a hidden weapon from behind his back.

Well, it looked like my consideration of having more fun had been thwarted. I fired off a couple non-life-threatening shots, which effectively pitched his body backward, the gun flying out of his hand.

Then I walked forward, cocking my head and allowing the full moon to highlight the glee I felt before firing off several rounds. There was something special, almost movie-like when a man’s body was tossed back and forth, his legs still working as he stumbled backwards.

Only this time, he didn’t drop like a rock, instead falling off the sharp precipice to the rocky shore below. While the kill wasn’t nearly as satisfying as what Kane would have, it was decent enough.

I walked to the edge, peering over. The drop was far enough if the dozen bullets hadn’t killed him, the fall certainly had.

As the other powerful leaders formed a long line on both sides of me, I took another deep breath, glancing toward the sky. They remained coughing but they were very much alive.

“Today we begin another alliance between several countries,” Don Amato stated after a full minute had passed, Don Giuseppe agreeing without hesitation.