Page 108 of Lord of Retribution

“So, I hear changes are in order in Italy,” I told her.

“Daniel told you.” Her eyes opened wide, surprised he would share the news. She didn’t know that there would never be any secrets between Daniel and me.

“That you’re going to shake up the makeup of the Italian crime syndicate world by becoming the queen of the Sicilian mafia? Why, yes, he did so proudly.” I lifted my head, winking at Leonardo. “And I understand you’re going to be right by her side as the Consigliere of Queen Maria.”

He grinned, pulling up her arm to show off one huge diamond ring.

Squealing, I rushed toward her, grabbing her into a powerful hug. “I’m so happy for you both.”

“It wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t provided a little encouragement.” Maria blushed.

“I’m just so happy for you both. You will invite us to the wedding, now, won’t you?” I asked, allowing my lips to pout.

“Are you kidding me? I want to ask you to be my maid of honor.”

I was shocked, gasping before I knew what I was doing. “You do mean your matron of honor. Right?”

We all laughed and I couldn’t help but reflect on how much all of us had been through during the last two months.

Daniel had told me almost everything, including about the mysterious group not affectionately titled the Death Squad. The craziness of knowing they remained out there, waiting for the next opportunity to bring down Daniel, Constantine, and the entire Brotherhood was crazy but my beloved almost husband seemed to be taking it all in stride.

The fact he’d shifted most of the responsibility to Maria in Sicily didn’t mean he didn’t still hold the revered title of Don, but he had no plans of taking an active role unless necessary. Plus, I’d heard the remaining Italian Dons, including the firstborn sons of the men slain had provided their promises they would watch out for her and Leonardo. That would allow Daniel and me to start a nice life together, including children.

Or so I hoped.

Zorro woofed, moving closer as if to remind me it was almost time.

The day was beautiful, the estate decked out with flowers everywhere, two different caterers eager to provide the finest cuisine. I could hear the music of the small group of musicians through the open window, the light breeze allowing me to gather a whiff of the incredible flowers and blooming shrubs.

“I am so happy for you,” Maria said. “And I’ll allow you to finish getting ready. Come on, handsome man. Let’s grab our seats.”

When they opened the door to leave, I didn’t need to look to know the man I was getting ready to marry was standing just outside the door.

I’d sensed him. I’d gathered an intoxicating scent of his musky aftershave.

And every tingling sensation coursing through me was electrified, my mouth watering.

“Oh, no, you don’t,” my mother told him. “You’re not supposed to see the bride before the wedding. It’s bad luck.”

“Mama. We do have an unconventional relationship. I need a few minutes while I’m still single.”

She gave me the kind of look she had when I’d brought my first boyfriend home. I’d claimed he was the love of my life. She’d known better, telling me he was only trying to use me.

She’d been right.

This time, I was right.

“Fine. But don’t blame any future bad luck on me.” While her words were terse, she adjusted his bowtie like any good mother-in-law would do, patting him on the chest. Then she rose onto her tiptoes, whispering into his ear. All he could do was grin.

When we were finally alone, he closed the door behind them.

“What did she say to you?” I asked, planting one hand on my hip and dragging my tongue across my lips to tease him.

“Hhmm… That if I hurt you, she’ll kill me with her bare hands.”

“Don’t ignore her warning. She’s a feisty one.”

He moved closer, pulling me into his arms. “Just like my bride to be.”