Page 32 of Savage

Pressed against the porch, with my lips on hers and her body wrapped around mine, I truly claim her as mine.



Rafael steps through the open garage door of the warehouse as flames begin to consume the building.

Before killing the man at the cabin, Raf got the location of Hector’s warehouses and the places we would be most likely to find Guillermo and Jorge. For two sleepless nights, completely fueled with wrath, Raf has been making his way through all of them.

As he gets closer to me, there is no mistaking the blood splatters on his face and clothes. His hands are stained so red with blood that it drips from his fingertips with every step he takes.

The sight of him shouldn’t do the things to me that it does.

My entire life, not once have I had a man go to bat for me. No one ever attempted to protect me, let alone defend me. And now, my father’s enemy—a man who was a stranger to me no more than a few short weeks ago—has made it his sole mission to seek vengeance on every man that ever wronged me.

When he reaches the car I’m waiting in, he pulls off his shirt and uses it to wipe the blood from his face and hands before tossing it to the ground. He opens the door to the backseat and grabs a replacement before sliding onto the driver’s seat. Closing the door, he firmly grips my chin and kisses me with fervor.

“Eleven more,” he says the words against my lips, and they tingle through my body like they are fucking foreplay. “And I know exactly where Jorge will be in an hour.”

My heart begins to race. The resounding thump of my heart a mixture of excitement and fear. I want him to get everything that he deserves, but I am terrified of what will happen when I actually see him again.

“Do you want to come hunt with me, little lamb?” Rafael cocks an eyebrow, and a devilish smirk tugs at the corner of his lips.

While I might be afraid to face the men that forced me to be their whore, I have no hesitation as I exhale a breathy, “Yes.”

“Good girl.” He kisses the words on my lips before pulling back and putting the car in drive. Pulling away from the blistering inferno, Raf slides his hand up my thigh as he quickly begins to make his way into the city.

By the time we turn off the highway, the sun is beginning to set, and the dusky darkness is beginning to fall over the city.

One would think a city is a safe place to hide, but not in this one. Hector owns it. His men are everywhere. And where they aren’t, there are people who are vying for his protection—people that would rat you out in a heartbeat to ensure their safety.

“In and out, little lamb.” Rafael squeezes my thigh as though he can sense my hesitation. “We’ll be secure in a safe house by midnight.”

“That’s him.” The soft words fall from my lips when I spot Jorge across the street. My eyes widen, and I swallow hard when he steps off the curb and begins quickly walking toward the car. My face falls to my lap, afraid that he’ll spot me. “He’s coming.”

Softly cupping my face in his hands, Raf pulls my lips to his. Concealing my face with his large palms, he leans into my seat as he plunders my mouth. I’m breathless by the time he pulls back from me and whispers, “He’s gone inside.”

Turning my head, I peer through the window to find him inside the little cigar shop. “They didn’t tell you everything. At the warehouse. He’s meeting Guillermo.”

“How do you know?”

“Jorge doesn’t smoke. Guillermo does.” I shudder when I can practically taste his putrid breath and cheap tobacco on my tongue. It turns my stomach so hard that I swallow back bile as it rises in my throat. “And I’ve been here. Once. Guillermo’s place is around the corner.”

“Tonight may be a little longer than I originally thought.” Rafael pulls the gun from the back of his pants and pulls the handle of the car door. “Slide into the driver’s seat. I’ll be right back with a gift for you.”

He shuts the door, and I climb over the center console and behind the wheel. As Rafael positions himself at the door of the shop, I quickly adjust the seat so that my feet actually reach the pedals.

The second Jorge steps through the door, Rafael has the gun shoved into his back. Angry words exchange between the two of them, but I can’t make them out until Raf opens the door and shoves Jorge into the backseat. Climbing in behind him, Raf shoves him across the seat and wedges the gun against his ribs.

“Do you have any idea who the fuck I am?” Jorge squeals.

“Unfortunately for you, I know exactly who you are,” Rafael replies with a wicked smile.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Jorge spits.

“Who I am isn’t important. You should be significantly more concerned with what I plan to do.”

“And what is that?” Jorge quips.