…A toy he knew they’d want back.
Raf continues to interrogate the man, while I suddenly feel like I’m suffocating. Stumbling backward. I no longer comprehend any of the conversation before me as my entire focus is getting outside—away from them—where I can breathe.
Even with my focus on the man before me, I cannot miss the sudden change in Lucia’s breathing. It grows deep and erratic as a look of distrust spreads across her face.
“Little lamb?” I call to her as quickly backs herself toward the door. She fumbles with the knob behind her and barrels through the door the moment it’s open. I call after her, “Lucia?”
Quickly getting the information I need from the man before me, I plunge the knife into his lung. It’s going to be a much faster death than I had planned—much better than he deserves—but he’s not my focus anymore.
Barging through the open doorway, I immediately spot Lucia leaning against the far side of the makeshift porch. Quickly, I take both stairs in a single step and I round the porch to find her with tears welling in her eyes.
I reach for her, and she recoils from my touch. It hurts more than any wound I’ve ever had inflicted on me. “Talk to me, little lamb,”
“You were after them long before me.” Her chin trembles as she speaks. “Weren’t you?”
“I was,” I answer her question honestly.
A tear rolls down her face. “Killing them, is that what you were there for?”
“Why…why did you take me?” She closes her eyes and draws in a deep breath as she asks the question.
“I couldn’t leave you there.” I shake my head when I recall the frail, soiled girl lying in filth.
“Because of who I am? Or what you knew I’d be good for?” Her tone grows angry, but the fire in her eyes begins to dim as she waits for my answer. I know the look on her face, she’s about to retreat into herself.
Firmly palming the sides of her face, I hold her tightly enough that she can’t pull back from my touch. Staring down at her, I continue to shake my head, “Because I couldn’t fucking leave you there. What they were doing to you goes far beyond the levels of hell that I would inflict on any man…let alone a woman.”
Wiping the tears from her ruddy cheeks with my thumb, I continue, “And yes, I was already planning to kill them. The death they were facing is nothing in comparison to the ways I now want to force them to pay for hurting you.”
Tears continue to free fall down her face, pooling against my hands as I refuse to let her go.
“No matter what you want to believe in this moment, I know that fate brought me to you.” I roughly press my lips to hers. “Not as a pawn or leverage, but for me.”
Kissing over her cheeks, I lick the salty tears from her face as though it will remove her pain. “Fate brought me to the most perfect fucking thing in my life. The only fucking thing I’ve ever cared about other than the cartel. The only person I’ve ever fucking loved.”
Her mouth gapes slightly at my admission—one that even I am surprised to hear myself say aloud.
"I'm evil and damaged." I continue to kiss away her tears as my words vibrate over her damp skin. "But you fill a void in me that I didn't know was empty. I fucking love you. You can try to deny this. You can run, but know that I will happily chase you, little lamb. Because you are mine.”
I press my lips to hers, needily drawing each of them into my mouth as I repeatedly place wet kisses over them. Releasing my firm hold from the sides of her face, I slip my fingers into her hair. They tangle in her dark locks, which are still slightly matted from our recent chase in the woods. I fist both my hands, pulling her hair just hard enough to elicit a sting and a small gasp from her. Taking advantage of her parted lips, I push my tongue into her mouth. It sweeps over and against hers until she's unable to deny me any longer.
Lucia grips the front of my shirt with both hands and pulls herself into me until we are so close there isn't room for air between us. I moan into her mouth, and she whimpers into mine as I take my time and thoroughly enjoy the taste of her.
I need to be inside her.
Both of us need it.
Slipping my fingers from her hair, I quickly fumble to push her leggings over her ass--not wanting to destroy another pair today--and helps to quickly work to free one of her legs. Her leggings and panties dangle at the knee of her still partially dressed leg as I unzip my pants and pull out my cock. Wrapping her freed leg around my waist, I savor the feeling of pressing my thick length inside her cunt.
"You're mine," I growl as my hands roam over her body, and I take my time bottoming out inside of her.
"Yours." Her raspy voice cracks as she grinds her hips against mine. She has me buried so deep inside her, it’s almost as though we are one.