Page 57 of Fallen Shadows

Duncan and Izel hurried toward the hole, Orion still cradled in Duncan’s arms, as if his mate was too afraid to put him down.

“I need to talk to Cormac,” Orion said.

“Why?” Duncan asked.

“I need him to give me a cover story for my mom. She’s going to flip her mind when she finds out I’m dating two men at once and that I want to make my move to your home permanent, if that’s okay with you.”

Right before they reached Panahasi, Duncan grinned. “Neither of you are leaving my side. You’re both stuck with me. We can’t figure out Izel’s future if we live apart.”

“Normally I would protest anyone making plans for me, but since it is you two, plan away while I learn how to work a smartphone. Orion insists I need one,” Izel said.

“You’ll want one if you want a nude pic of me or Duncan and if you want me or Duncan to text dirty to you,” Orion said.

“How fast can I get one?” Izel asked.

“I already ordered you one,” Duncan replied. “It’ll be here tomorrow.”

Orion clung to Duncan when they entered the swirly hole. Nausea hit him hard, and Orion had never been more thankful to be out of that thing.

Screw convenience. He’d get around the old-fashioned way.

Chapter Fourteen

Izel’s corporal form vanished as soon as they returned home. Wait, had he just referred to Duncan’s house as his home? It had been two millennia since Izel had had one. And the Lovato house felt more like a home to Izel than his childhood one had.

“Remember, don’t say anything,” Orion whispered to him. “I really hate hiding you, and I don’t know why my mom is here, but I have to keep up our farce.”

Beckett cleared his throat from the top of the stairs then tossed some clothes down to Duncan. The guy quickly dressed before the three of them headed toward the kitchen, where Izel heard voices…and was that laughter?

“What is going on in there?” Orion said under his breath.

“We’ll just keep it cool,” Duncan replied. “She probably just brought more food.”

“And if she wants to see Cormac?” Orion looked at Duncan. “I knew we shouldn’t have lied to her. This whole thing is going to blow up in our faces. I can just feel it.”

“Calm down,” Izel said to them. “Take deep breaths and tell yourself that this is just a visit. Take the pressure off yourself, Orion.”

Orion whipped around, glancing everywhere, as if trying to pinpoint where Izel stood. “That’s easy for you to say. It’s not often, but when my mom blows her top, the only thing to do is run.”

“Nonsense,” Duncan said. “She’s delightful.”

Orion narrowed his eyes. “You’ve met her all of five minutes, Duncan. You haven’t seen just how fiery she is when pissed. My dad used to call it being passionate. I call it insanity.”

They were lingering just out of sight of the kitchen entrance. The sooner they got this over with, the better. Izel shoved them forward, forcing his mates into the kitchen.

“I’m going to kill you,” Orion whispered then plastered on a smile. “Hey, Mom. What’re you doing here?”

Izel moved farther into the room since no one could see him. His gaze zeroed in on the large container in the center of the table that was filled to the brim with paella.

His mouth began to water. He’d had to practically wrestle Duncan in order to get any earlier, and it had been the best-tasting dish Izel had ever eaten.

Now he wanted more.

There was a smaller container next to it, and Izel was willing to bet it was filled with churros.

Maybe when no one was looking, he’d swiped both containers and find somewhere private to eat them. Like on a remote island.

“I didn’t want the rest of the food to go to waste.” She stood and hugged Orion.