Page 58 of Fallen Shadows

Just like before, Izel thought she was breathtaking.

And very short.

Orion’s eyes closed, as if he was soaking her in. He probably thought he’d never see his mom again after being snatched away. Now Izel’s chest ached as he thought of his own mother, wishing he could have one last hug from her, one last look of pride in her eyes.

Izel was thankful no one could see him since tears welled up in his eyes.

“We’ve been swapping recipes,” Milly said from her seat. “Your mamá is a pleasure to talk to.”

Paloma released Orion and gave Duncan a hug. Izel’s arms ached to receive one, to feel the warm embrace of a loving mother once more, but he would never know that sensation again since she could never find out about him.

When Paloma released Duncan and took a step back, her arms crossed. Izel wanted to yank his mates from the room and take cover. He knew that look all too well, and it never bode well. “Milly has also been sharing some interesting stories.”

“Shit,” Duncan said under his breath. Orion just stood there frozen, as if he’d been hit with a spell that wouldn’t allow him to move.

Paloma wagged her finger at both of them, and now Izel was thankful he was invisible to her. He recalled his mother’s ire when he was younger, and that was not something he missed.

“Migraines, really? I asked Milly about them, and she had no clue what I was talking about. ¡No puedo creer que mi propio hijo me mintiera! Peor aún, involucraste a este encantador caballero. Estoy tan enojado contigo ahora mismo.”

I cannot believe my own child would lie to me! Worse, you involved this charming gentleman. I am so mad at you right now.

Izel took a step back. It was never good when a mother switched languages midsentence.

“I can explain, Mom!” Orion held up his hands, palms out, as though he were trying to fend off a charging bull.

Then her anger deflated. Izel wasn’t sure what to make of this situation. Was she about to cry because she was deceived? He hoped not, because Izel hated to see a woman cry. It had always broken his heart when his mother was reduced to tears. They were worse than being scolded.

“If you wanted to spend time with Duncan, that was all you had to say. I’m not your prison guard, son. Yes, I’m a little protective because of your attack, but I didn’t think I was that bad.”

“You don’t think you were that bad?” Orion asked.

Izel slapped his hand over Orion’s mouth. Paloma might have simmered down, but if her son became sassy with her, his mom’s anger would flare back up. He took his hand away, praying Orion got the hint to keep quiet.

Cormac entered the room, stopped midstride, and glanced between everyone. “I take it this is a bad time?”

Orion groaned. “Cormac, meet my mom, Paloma Keplin.” He waved a hand but looked defeated.

“We’ve been busted,” Duncan said.

“About?” Cormac asked, looking at Duncan.

“Your migraines,” Paloma replied.

“I think I might have one when this is over.” Cormac took her hand and kissed it. “Forgive my brother, señora. He lacks grace and common sense. It is never good to lie to such a beautiful woman such as yourself. He should be ashamed.”

“Really?” Duncan glared at Cormac. “Throwing me under the bus to kiss her—” Duncan clamped his mouth shut. “You know what I mean.”

“You threw him under the bus,” Hayden said as walked into the room. “Sweet. Churros!”

“I also learned Duncan has three brothers,” Paloma said.

“Why are you only scolding me?” Orion asked. “It was Duncan who came up with the lie.”

“It was you who wanted to deceive me in the first place,” Paloma countered. “He was only being a gentleman and helping you.”

“You’re only taking his side because he’s Latino,” Orion argued. “You’ve gone fangirl on him.”

Izel slapped his hand back over Orion’s mouth.