Page 57 of Mafia Savior

“Mmm…” He doesn’t answer right away, leaving my heart in my throat as I wait for his response. “Don’t be silly, Rhett. You’re my one and only.”

Oh my God. That’s the sweetest thing a man has ever said to me. And he’s not even awake! This man is sweet-talking me. In his sleep.

He really is obsessed with me.

The only problem?

I’m scared to death I’m getting obsessed right back. Only I can’t afford to get involved with another dangerous man.

Remember, Rhett? You’re not jumping from the arms of one man into another’s. You’re getting your own place. Getting on your own two feet. Paying your own bills.

Which means I need a clean break from Beckett. If I have any connection with him, I’ll cave, move right in, and never leave.

And he’s just as dangerous as Trevor. Probably just as controlling. Can’t do this again.

Not when the first relationship almost ended me.

The second Trevor is out of the picture…

So am I.

Chapter Twenty-One


Rhett and I are lying on the white sand of one of the Parish’s private beaches, the sun warming us, the sound of the sea lapping on the shore the only thing interrupting the peaceful silence.

I’m completely at ease. We have been here for four days. Four blissful days of sun, sand, and sex. It feels like we've been here forever.

I feel like I’ve known her forever.

She seems so relaxed, almost as if she's in a trance-like state. She's literally breathtaking, making my inhale stutter in my chest.

She lies there, her long, tanned limbs stretched out over the white linen cushion. She's wearing my favorite of the three bathing suits she purchased, the classic black string bikini. A pair of black sunglasses are perched on her nose. Her glossed lips are full, kissable.

Her dark hair is piled up on the top of her head, shiny and gorgeous, threads of it catching the sun, warm, deep chocolate highlights shimmering in the light. Has she done something extra to it, to make it so pretty?

Even if you count out her looks—which you could only do if you were blind—she’s the most attractive woman I've ever been around. She has an easy grace to her movements, a lilt to her laughter, a kindness in her eyes.

It’s killing me to know in a few short hours, she’ll be out of my life forever.

An hour ago, I got word from Rockland that they’d found Trevor. Sure, I would have liked to do the deed myself, but Rockland agreed with me when I told him I needed to get Rhett out of town, so I let the Brotherhood take care of it.

They wanted to give her ex concrete boots and put him in the Hudson, but knowing how Rhett felt about him, I had them bury him in a grave in the rocky hills of the Catskill mountains. I have the address to give her.

I’ll have to tell her, knowing the news will end our time together. The thought tears my heart from my chest. Right now, I just want to enjoy our last day together.

I take a sip of my drink, easing deeper into my chair.

There was more good news on our phone call this morning. My own drama has come to an end as well. What Ashely and I feared would end up as a war, the father-son duo has agreed to call a draw.

Eye for an eye. A son for a father.

The twin waiting in the car the night I was shot didn’t know that his brother sidetracked their plans. He and Bruno were under the impression the brother was going to deliver the message, ask for the money, and leave. Instead, he decided to play hero and pull the gun on me.

Rockland paid them off, giving them the number they requested on that yellow sheet of paper outside the Village gate.

The deal was, we give them the money, they leave town. We’ve got eyes and ears on them in case, but as of right now, we know they bought land down in Mexico and they’re trying to restart their lives. I turned the gun in to our weapons department to dispose of.