Page 58 of Mafia Savior

With all that behind us and only one day left, I want to make the most of this time with her.

"Tell me more about yourself," I say. I flip over onto my belly, turning my face toward her and resting my cheek on the back of my hand as I stare at her.

She turns to me and smiles. "What do you want to know?"

Everything about her relaxes me. Even her voice, gentle and soothing.

I reach out, running my fingertips over her warm arm. "Everything," I say.

She laughs, turning toward the ocean. "Where to begin?"

I watch her face, admiring her as I wait.

"Let's see. I was born. Bounced around homes. Did okay in school. Graduated. Worked at a few restaurants. Had a few boyfriends—"

"We can skip that part." I openly cringe at the thought of another man touching her.

“What?” She pulls her sunglasses down slightly and peers at me over them. “It’s not like either one of us are virgins.”

"God! Gross. Seriously. Not another word on that subject or you'll be finding yourself over my lap, getting your ass spanked on the beach."

She flashes me a naughty grin. "You promise?"

"Naughty girl. You do love to be spanked, don't you?" My cock stirs against the cushion of the lounge chair.

"When you do it? Yes. Anyway." She waggles her fingers in the air, brushing away the sexy topic. "Back to my story. I got stuck in a warehouse, only to be rescued by a handsome prince."

"What was his name?" My fingers travel up her forearm, over her upper arm.

"Sir Beckett. Some call him Becks." She pushes her sunglasses up till they perch on the top of her head. She gives me a shy glance. "I call him my savior."

“Wow. That's a big word.” I flip over onto my back so I can easily reach her. I let my finger lazily trail over the silky material of her top, my cock getting hard with absolute pleasure as I circle her nipple through the slick fabric. I murmur to her, "He must be pretty great. To call him that."

"Mmm. He is pretty great. And he's good at lots of things." She holds back a moan as she bends her knee, drawing one of her long legs in.

I love watching her face as I caress her. "Like baseball? You gonna come cheer me on tonight?" I watch the soft little bud rise as it hardens underneath my gentle touch.

"What game?" she breathes.

Obviously turned on, she's pressing her thighs together.

I know she wouldn’t want anyone to see me touching her. I look around. The beach is deserted, save for another couple much further down the shore. They’re too far away to notice what we’re getting up to.

I drag my fingers across her breast, reaching for the other one. I cup her soft curve in the palm of my hand. "The guys are getting together to play. They always do when I come to town. The Beauties come and watch and cheer the guys on."

She shoots me a glance, her irises shiny with desire. "Why don't the girls play?"

I cup and squeeze. "Do you play?"

"Sure. I watched games with my dad growing up and I used to play softball any chance I got. Which was when my dad was doing good, and I was staying with him." She gives a little sigh, jutting her hips forward. "I loved it."

Damn. I knew this girl was perfect. Didn't know she was absolutely perfect. For me.

"I like cars, too,” she says. “Haven't told you that yet because my ex—"

"Nope." The word makes me mad. I cut her off with a pinch of her nipple. She gives a little shriek as the pain shoots through her body.

"Sorry. Forgot. I meant, I haven't gotten a chance to tell you I like cars too, because..." She pauses as she thinks of another way to put it. "'Cause I've had bad luck with mechanics."