I nod and silently follow him back through the temple and to the main square of the city. Whereas Bava is bright, colorful and lively, and Tronovia is cozy with an old-world charm, Elowen is nothing short of whimsical in a harsh yet elegant way. The roofs come to sharp points and each white building looks exactly like the next. Icicles dangle from the lip of the gutters and with the right sunlight beaming through them, little rainbows shimmer on the paved walkways.

We finally come to a stop in front of an elaborate mural where flowers are scattered along the bottom, some with cards attached. I stare up at the painting and see the Celestial sun with the Frost Elf star at its center.

"What does it mean?" I ask Atlas.

"The sun symbolizes Enver Sol and at the center is the Star of Elowen, symbolizing Sylvane Basilius."

I turn to meet his gaze. "What aren't you saying?"

The corners of his eyes crinkle as he explains, "This is a memorial."

"For Enver Sol?"

"For you."


He nods. "Well, for the lost princess. The rumored child of Enver Sol and Sylvane Basilius who was snatched in the night and stolen from her home. The Frost Elves leave flowers here throughout the year to remember her, to offer their condolences, and unite in the hope that their lost princess will soon find her way back."

I tear my eyes from his to examine the mural once more, but I'm not able to do that peacefully because I suddenly feel eyes on me. Dozens of Frost Elves have gathered around and are unabashedly watching me, whispering amongst themselves. Some are smiling, some are frowning, as if they are all trying to figure out if I'm the one they've been waiting for.

"Everyone is staring at me." Alarm rises like bile in my throat.

"I know it's off-putting when people stare, but give them grace," he says softly. "The princess they weren't sure even existed has finally found her way home." He grabs my hand and pulls me away from the square. "Come on, let's get you back to the castle before Nyx realizes you're missing."

"You didn't tell Nyx where we were going?" I blurt. "He's going to be outside his mind with worry."

"Serves him right." Atlas doesn't miss a beat. "He should be more vigilant, if he is going to protect you from our enemies."

"I'm safe here, Atlas."

"Maybe, maybe not, but you know me," he flashes a look over his shoulder at me. "I'm always on high alert."

Impulsively, I cut down an alley, dragging him along with me, and shove him against the wall. I slip my hands over his cheeks and slam my mouth against his. I sweep my tongue inside his mouth and nearly come undone when his fingers dig into my hips. I want to claw him out of his clothes but refrain, not wanting to add being-caught-having-sex-in-a-public-place to my ever-growing list of infractions against House Basilius.

"Well," his voice is groggy when I reluctantly pull away, "that was a nice surprise." He smiles against my lips. "What was that for?"

"I've been wanting to kiss you all morning," I run my fingers through his hair. "I haven't stopped thinking about the cabin."

"Is that so?"

"I'm not sure where you stand about us, but – "

He presses his mouth against mine, swallowing what I am about to say. He lifts me up, allowing me to twist my legs around his torso, and turns to pin me against the stone wall. His tongue sweeps inside my mouth and wrenches a moan from me. The way his hands grip my hips sends my heart racing. He pulls back just enough to drag his face down to my neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses in his wake.

"I will never forget the feeling of my fingers buried inside of you or how you tasted," he whispers, and my body goes taut. "It took every bit of my will power not to come to your room last night and finish what we started in the cabin."

"Let's go back to my room now, then."

"And forgo the rest of the tour?" He teases with a wicked smirk. "There's so much more I want to show you." He nips at my earlobe.

"Show me later," I insist, causing him to laugh. I slip down his body and take his hand in mine.

"I am finding it difficult to tell you no," he sighs.

"Then say yes."

With a reassuring squeeze, he tugs me back to the main street for us to return to the castle. My heart thrums inside my chest, anticipation growing with each step. Flashes of our time in the cabin play over and over again in my mind, and by the time we reach the palace foyer, I'm fighting the primitive urge to find the closest empty room and shove him inside. I want his lips and hands all over me. This time though, I want to feel every inch of him.