My skin prickles with rising gooseflesh knowing my quarters are just around the corner of this long hallway. Neither of us has said one word since we left the alley, and I can't help but wonder if he's having the same lustful thoughts that I am.

Almost there, just have to make this turn and –

I slam into someone rounding the other side and let out a small grunt from the unexpected contact.

"Excuse m –, " The apology falls dead at my feet when I look up and see the person I ran into is none other than my mother. I'm not sure how to address her or what the customs are when running into a royal in Elowen, so I do what comes naturally. I dip my head and greet her, "Good morning, Your Grace."

She waves a hand, "No need for all that frivolity. Although, I'm sure addressing me as mother would make you uncomfortable, so please, call me Sylvane."

My eyes slide to Atlas standing beside me, but he offers me nothing in response. I refocus on Sylvane and smile. "Sylvane it is then."

"It's fortuitous that I ran into you," she says, securing her hands behind her back. "I was just knocking at your door."

"You came to see me?" I ask, and I don't know why that surprises me.

She nods. "I wanted to visit you last night, but I assumed you needed some space to process what happened in the throne room. My presence might not have been well-received or entertained, if I pushed you too far."

Very astute of her. "But today is different?"

She smiles and I can't help but feel like I inherited that feature from her. "The city is buzzing about you."

"I noticed," I huff.

"Once I heard you were up, I thought it would be a good chance for us to get to know one another." She motions in the direction I just came from. "I was hoping you'd accompany me. There's something I'd like to show you."

Although I haven't picked up any suspicious or malicious vibes from her, mother or not, she's still a stranger and I'm leery of putting unearned trust in her. It would certainly be ill-advised to go anywhere without some form of protection. I'm not exactly sure where Nyx is, but if she desires for me to go with her, she will have to include him in whatever activities she has planned for us.

"No offense," I say as gently as possible to soften the potential blow, "but I have learned my lesson about going anywhere without my bodyguard."

She eyes me curiously before her steely grey gaze slides to Atlas. I realize too late she believes Atlas is my protector and when I open my mouth to clarify we would need to wait on Nyx, she says, "No offense taken. You are wise to be cautious. After all, I'm still a stranger to you. Although it is frowned upon to allow outsiders to see what I am about to show you, as long as your security can keep his mouth shut, he may join us."

"Agreed," Atlas chimes in, clearly willing to go along with the charade.

Sylvane nods before taking off down the hallway, not looking back to see if we are following after her. Instead of going down the grand staircase to reach the foyer that leads to the city, Sylvane cuts to the right and traipses up the blue runner carpet that covers the center of the marble steps. I lose count of the levels once we pass the fifth flight and mentally thank Nyx for insisting on us incorporating cardio into our exercise regimen. Though my heart is pounding, and my knees are aching, Sylvane doesn't look bothered whatsoever. Of course, she's probably climbed these stairs hundreds, if not, thousands of times before.

I want so badly to ask her every question swimming in my head:

How old are you?

How did you meet my father?

What is your affinity?

How did you lose me?

Instead, I swallow each one of those impertinent questions, choosing to ask how much further we have to go like a petulant child, but a blast of cold air beats me to it. A sole guard patrolling the top level opens the door and we find ourselves on the castle rooftop. My mouth falls open when I see six enormous blue birds with silver armor fitted to their heads and feet, and leather saddles strapped to their backs, perched and ready for instructions. As one, the mighty fowls glance in our direction.

"What are those?" I ask aloud, not attempting to hide the wonder filling my chest.

Sylvane turns around and grins. "These are Aviatas. Frost Elf warriors use them during battle or to patrol our borders, but today, we will use them as transportation."

"Transportation?" My eyes widen. "You mean, we are riding them?"

"Yes," she says.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" I ask. "Because I don't need to ride them – "

"You have never flown before." It's as if she's now realizing this isn't a common thing but presses on despite that. "As incredible as the Aviatas are, they are not what I wanted to show you." She points to a snow-capped mountain in the near distance. "They will fly us to Fendruil."