"Shaye," Bastian pleads, meeting my line of sight. "Please – "

The side door smashes open and Nyx, Finn, Eris and Ronan barrel through, armed to the teeth, magic at the ready. Relief washes over me, but it's short-lived. Instead of Bastian and his Soul Eaters standing down, or retreating, they launch an attack, rushing the newcomers. Eris unleashes two water-bears while Nyx sprints toward the demons with both swords in hand. Ronan ignites his flames, and they lick up his arms. Despite his arm still healing, he looks ready for a fight, all pain be damned. At first, I don't think Finn is going to get involved, but he flips his dagger in hand and chases after Nyx. His eyes aren't orange, so I know he's refraining from using his magic, but I know he'll use it if he must.

Thrane beams one of his frost bolts at Bastian, slicing his arm. My heart lurches seeing him howl in pain, but instead of rendering him useless, it sends him flying into an uncontrollable rage and I watch my childhood friend transform into a hideous beast. Thick fur covers his skin, and he contorts in unnatural angles as his body stretches upward. His fingers elongate into sharp claws and his face takes the form of half-bear, half-wolf. A long snout, fiery eyes and razor-sharp teeth. Though he stands upright like a man, he's entirely beast and fear grips my heart. A roar bellows from his mouth and the man I once loved is no longer standing before me.

"Bas," I whisper, and that's enough for him to snap his gaze to meet mine. Pain, betrayal and undeniable anger fills those animalistic eyes.

"Is this what you wanted to see?" He growls and takes a heavy step forward. "You wanted to see the beast? Well now, you've seen me for what I truly am, Shaye."

"Bas – "

"Kill the Trinkiti," Bastian orders Vesper and she sprints toward Atlas, weapons drawn.

His back is turned to her, fighting off two Soul Eaters. There's too much distance between us for me to stop her, so I throw a shield around him when she leaps in the air, daggers ready to strike. When her knives strike my barrier, she's ricocheted back, and Atlas finishes off the two in front of him before swinging back around.

Bastian roars and charges Atlas, running him over, and drawing a pained groan from Atlas who hits the floor hard. Circling back around, Bastian stampedes toward Atlas a second time, but I scream and blast Bastian away from him. The thought of Atlas being killed in front of me shoots a surge of anger through me. The light of my glowing hands spreads over my entire body and I feel myself go into my Transcendent state. Lumos is angry and will protect Atlas at all costs.

"You will not touch him!" I scream with a chorus of voices, flinging my arms out wide. With my power extended, my light slams four Soul Eaters against the walls. They're pinned, fighting to get free of my magical grasp, but to no avail.

Bastian struggles to his feet but doesn't attempt to attack Atlas again. He straightens to his full height and stares at me, mesmerized by my power. Seeing her commander isn't moving, Vesper throws a poison tipped dagger at me, but I throw my palm up and stop it mid-air with my magic. With a wicked smirk of my own, I twirl my hand, point the knife at Vesper and launch it back. Vesper narrowly dodges my returned attack but shows no sign of anger. She grins, as if my power excites her.

"Shaye," Bastian says in reverential awe, drawing my gaze. "I will call off my soldiers, but it's time to come home – "

"My name" – I levitate off the floor a couple feet and narrow my golden gaze at Bastian – "is Aurelia Basilius-Sol, and I am not yours to command." I snap the necks of the four soul eaters I've pinned to the wall. I know I only killed their host bodies, but the brutality makes Bastian flinch.

"Shaye – "

"Goodbye, Bastian." I slam my hands forward and blast Bastian, Vesper and what remains of their crew out the windows, shattering the glass with an explosion of light.

The sound of the skirmish finally alerts the guards down the hall of trouble, and they burst through both sets of doors, armed and ready to strike.

Thrane throws up a hand halting their advances as he rushes to the smashed windows and peers down. "They landed on one of the rooftops of the castle and are making their escape." He swivels and marches toward us, issuing orders to his soldiers, who are unabashedly staring at me in my Lumos form. "The Soul Eaters who attacked us are headed east. Track them down. Make sure they leave our borders and if you can kill a few more of them, all the better."

The soldiers snap from their stupor and don't stand around to gawk or ask questions. They immediately sprint into action, leaving the throne room's chaos for our group to sift through.

A gurgle sounds from one of the Soul Eaters lying in a pool of blood. Nyx stomps toward him lifting his sword to strike, but stops when Thrane shouts, "Don't kill him! He can be of use to us once we get him to a healer."

Finn steps up. "I can fix him up."

"Then do it. We will question him when he's well enough to speak."

Finn gets to work to save the Soul Eater's life, with Eris by his side to assist.

My knees buckle as I come out of my Transcendent state and just as he has done countless times during flight training, Thrane lunges to catch me when I fall. Exhausted from the energy exerted, he helps me sit down on the floor. There's shattered glass and blood everywhere, but at least we're all safe and in one piece. I glance at the four dead bodies I'm responsible for, and take a deep, steadying breath. Even though I know the Soul Eaters that were inhabiting those bodies are alive and seeking new hosts, part of me feels guilty for slaughtering innocents. I have to remind myself that once the Soul Eaters took residency in their bodies, their souls were destroyed, and they didn't feel the pain I inflicted.

"You fought well, Aurelia," Thrane says, drawing my attention. He smiles at me before rising from his crouched position, granting Atlas space to hold me.

"Are you alright?" He quickly scans my body for any physical injury. Beyond a few scrapes, cuts and bruises, I'm in perfect health.

I nod and smile weakly, "I could use a nap."

Atlas laughs, sliding hair from my sweaty face. "I'm sure we could work something out."

Sylvane drops to her knees in front of me, tears in her eyes, and a couple of scratches across her cheek. For a moment, we just stare at one another until a tear slips down her face and I lose my composure. I throw my arms around her, feeling the weight of her pain release. The betrayal she feels is something I know all too well, but the Frost King is gone, and he can't hurt us anymore.

"And where were you?" Thrane points an accusatory finger at Ronan and narrows his grey eyes. "Another couple of minutes and Aurelia and I would have been in serious trouble."

"Someone didn't mention the Frost King's soldiers would be guarding the hallways," the prince quips.