"Vesper told me you had the magic of the Celestials, but I had no idea how powerful you were." He rests his hand against my shield and attempts to push through it and is oddly excited that he can't. "Very impressive, my love," he praises sweetly. "Why don't you lower it, so I can – "

"Take me back to Midori?" I interrupt viciously and shake my head, refortifying the shield. "Take your demons and leave."

"Leave?" Confusion overshadows his face. He glances back at the Frost King before refocusing on me. "I'm here to rescue you from these Tronovians." He attempts to push through the barrier again, this time with more force.

"I don't want to hurt you, Bas." Even though I know he's not who I thought he was, a part of me still cares for him, and it pains me to threaten him.

"You won't harm me, Shaye, just like I won't harm you."

"You might not wish to hurt me" – I motion behind him at Vesper – "but I know a few of your companions who might."

"No one will lay one finger on you." He says it with such bravado, I'm convinced he means it, but I know his demons won't agree.

"I grow bored," Armas fusses. "Take her and the Tronovian and leave."

"Shaye," Bastian pleads, aware of what is about to happen next, if I refuse.

"Last chance, Bas." My voice shakes, but I stand firm. "Please don't make me hurt you."

"I told you she wouldn't come willingly," Vesper hisses, drawing two black hilted daggers. She drags them across her tongue and a green substance bubbles against the steel. "Let me have the pleasure of fetching her."

"How's the arm, Vesper?" I narrow my eyes and smirk when she snarls at me.

"Enough!" Bastian shouts, pounding violently against the barrier between us. "Ilaria, it's time to return home. Now come."

"We've tried it your way" – Vesper growls, pushing soldiers out of her way to grab Atlas – "it's time to do things my way."

Atlas struggles against her, and even though my mother tries to help him, there's nothing she can do. Without their magic and weapons, and with their arms and mouths bound, they're no match for Vesper.

"Let him go!" I scream when she slides her fingers through his hair and jerks his head back, exposing his neck.

She places the knife to his throat. "Lower the shield and come with us, or I'll slit his throat and let you watch your lover die."

"Lover?" The color fades from Bastian's face.

Despite Atlas' muffled protests and the anger flaring in his eyes, before I can agree and give into their demands, Armas Basilius screams, "Just kill the Trinkiti and be done with it!"

My eyes dart up from a completely subdued Atlas to Thrane, who glances at the two sets of doors beside him and behind me. A sigh escapes his lips, as if whatever he was looking for failed to manifest itself. With a swiftness unlike anything I've ever seen before, Thrane whips his left arm toward Armas and ice solidifies around his arm. The tip is sharp and slices through Armas' neck, decapitating him. The Frost King's Elite standing on either side of the dais turn to attack, but with the flick of Thrane's right hand, icicles soar and plunge into their necks, killing them. Collectively, everyone in the room watches in silent horror as the Frost King's head bounces down the steps and lands at Bastian's feet.

A stunned Vesper momentarily loosens her grip on Atlas, allowing me to take advantage of the situation. "Proclivi!" I shout the Tronovian command, and Atlas drops to the floor. I blast my shield across the room, knocking Bastian and his Soul-Eaters on their asses.

Thrane doesn't waste any time, sprinting down the dais steps, using his iced hand to slice through Atlas and Sylvane's bindings and tossing them the swords that belonged to the dead soldiers. He makes his way to my side and takes up his fighting stance.

"It took you long enough to join," I say, but the teasing in my tone causes the corner of his mouth to tick upward.

"I know better than to interrupt a woman on a rampage."

Bastian rises to his feet, stupefied by either my power or Thrane's actions.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Vesper hisses, hopping to her feet, her knuckles white with how tightly she holds her weapons. "We had a deal!"

"Correction," Thrane says lazily. "You had a deal with Armas, who is fortunately no longer with us."

"You will – "

"Ah, ah, ah!" He points his iced hand at Vesper, cutting off her threats. "I think it would be unwise to threaten me in my own home, especially seeing what I've done with my own flesh and blood. So, listen closely, because I do not like repeating myself. If you leave now, we won't slaughter you all where you stand."

"Not without the girl!" Vesper takes a step closer.