If they weren't gossiping before, they certainly are now. I swivel until I find Atlas and extend my hand. I can sense Armas' eyes on us and can feel his rage boiling, but the Frost King doesn't say a word as I slip my hand into Atlas' and smile up at him.

"May House Basilius and House Delaney continue to work together in peace and harmony as our bloodlines merge."

The crowd applauds, and despite it being improper, Atlas leans forward and kisses me. Suddenly, everyone fades from existence and it's just me and him. I thought I knew what love was before I met Atlas. Now I realize I knew nothing. Claiming him before a crowd of friends and strangers strengthens me and has me questioning if one can die from happiness? When he pulls away from me, he rests his forehead against mine and whispers, "You chose me."

"I will always choose you."

"Dance with me?" Atlas asks when the music strikes up.

He slides his arm around my waist when I nod in agreement and sweeps me into the dancing crowd. For a solid minute, neither of us speaks, as we gaze into each other's eyes, but then I realize, I never told him of my plans to announce my engagement to him. I was caught up in the moment, needing to stand up to my grandfather with the intent to publicly declare my love for Atlas, that I completely bypassed what he might be thinking or feeling about us. Suddenly, my face heats up, shame and embarrassment slowly creeping in, evicting all sense of joy.

His eyebrows pinch together above the bridge of his nose. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry for blindsiding you with an engagement," I blurt softly, so potential eavesdroppers won't hear. "I should have told you of my plans to defy my grandfather. I didn't even consider what you might be thinking or feeling about us. You don't have to marry me – "

Slamming his mouth against mine, he swallows the rest of what I was about to say. He smiles against my lips and says, "If it were up to me, we'd be married tonight, Strenlys. You're mine."

I flick my eyes up to meet his and whisper, "Who would have known the night you kidnapped me, I'd one day be your fiancé."

He clicks his teeth. "I suppose marrying me is the least you could do for sinking my ship."

I laugh loudly, not caring who hears me. We sway with the music until it fades and if it wasn't so early in the evening, I would suggest we slip out and make our way to my bedroom. But that thought dies immediately when a hand clamps down on Atlas' shoulder.

"Might I have the honor of this next dance?" Thrane asks.

Atlas glances at me for confirmation and when I nod, he bows and takes his leave.

Thrane sweeps me into his arms the same way he did last night, but this time, he isn't trying to bargain with me. Instead, he smiles and whispers, "You clever little fox."

"Are you angry with me?"

"For what?" He tilts his head in piqued curiosity.

"Choosing Atlas over your proposal?"

Thrane scoffs and shakes his head. "If you're worried you've wounded my ego, don't be. I'm only upset I didn't think of publicly backing Armas into a corner first. He is far too prideful to deny your engagement to the Tronovian, especially since House Delaney is one of our most trusted allies. To do so would incite diplomatic suicide and he's far too shrewd for that." The amusement in his face suddenly vanishes and a seriousness washes over him that makes my heart lurch. "Unfortunately, defying Armas means you have made an enemy of our grandfather. Watch your back at all times."

Keep your wits about you. The Delaney and Harland family motto echoes in my mind, commanding the hair on my arms to stand at attention.

"He wouldn't harm me, would he?" I dare a glance at the dais, but the Frost King is no longer sitting there.

"He would never risk repercussions from the Frost Elves should he harm the lost princess that has finally returned, but that doesn't mean he won't harm those close to you."

My heartbeat quickens as my eyes dart around the room to find my friends. "What are you saying?" I ask softly, once I've spotted all of them alive and well.

"Are you not listening, Aurelia?" His voice comes out harsher than I've ever heard him speak. "Armas is not your friend. You might have won tonight, but he won't accept defeat. He will come for you."

"You're scaring me."

His eyes soften and he drops his hands from my waist, leaving us to stand stoically in the middle of the dance floor as everyone continues on around us. "Forgive me, that is not my intent, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself, if I didn't warn you of what is to come."

"Some might accuse you aiding me as an act of treason." I point out and he bobs his head in agreement.

"If that is the penalty to keep you safe, then so be it. I, for one, do not fear Armas Basilius."

"Sylvane told me when I was born you used to visit me often." The sudden change in subject causes Thrane to stiffen as the music fades. "You even crafted a wooden dragon for my crib. I can't help but think you're doing this to make up for a guilt that is not your burden to bear."

Neither one of us dares to move, even though other couples are leaving the floor. "When you were born, your father was no longer here to protect you, so I swore an oath to myself that I would be your guardian. I failed. Part of me died the day you vanished. I aim to right that wrong."