Sylvane tosses a thumb at a silver crown with diamonds and pearls. It is handsdown the most expensive piece in the Basilius collection and from what she's told me, custom made here in Elowen. "This crown belonged to my grandmother. She had it fashioned for her wedding ceremony in Basilius stones. If you were to declare your allegiance to House Basilius publicly, that is what he would expect you to choose."

"And if I picked something else?"

She smirks. "I would expect nothing less from a Sol."

Tonight, I will decide my fate and forge my own path. I can bow down to the whims and wishes of Armas Basilius, or I can defy him, all consequences be damned.

There is no question in my mind of the piece I will wear tonight when I go toe-to-toe with my grandfather. I cross to the opposite side of the vault and carefully pick up a diadem with emerald stones and set it on top of my head. Stepping in front of the full-length silver mirror, I smile at how stunning the green compliments my skin tone and grey eyes.

"Wearing a Tronovian gifted crown won't make a statement, Aurelia."

I flick my eyes up from my reflection to meet her gaze in the glass, but before I can defend my choice, she says, "It will be seen as the equivalent of challenging Armas Basilius' in battle."

I suck in a steadying breath, not daring to tear my eyes from hers. "Are you advising me against choosing the emeralds?"

She tilts her head to the side and smiles. "I always say, choose your battles wisely, but if you choose to wage a war, make sure you strike hard and fast." She approaches me and rests her hands on my shoulders. "Wear the crown and stand your ground, Aurelia."

"And if he banishes me?"

"Then he banishes me as well," she says so fiercely that it reassures me of what I have to do. "I will never be parted from you again, this I swear."

I slip my hand over my shoulder and rest it on top of hers. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Choosing me."

She gently turns me around to face her and places her hands on my cheeks. "I will always choose you, my darling. Always." Swiping the tear that slips down my cheek, she smiles and says, "Be brave tonight. You are in control of your own fate."

And I intend to make her proud.



Like last night, Eris helps me into tonight's custom-made gown. The white silk hugs each and every curve of my body and it feels as if I'm not wearing anything at all. My make-up is fresh and gives me a natural glow, and I opt for my hair to cascade down my bare back. The halter neckline leaves little room for a necklace, but that's alright. I have a gorgeous crown to make up for it.

The moment Eris opens the blue velvet box sitting on my nightstand, her mouth drops. "Shaye!" she squeals in girlish delight. "This is stunning! Are these emeralds from Tronovia?"

"They are," I nod with a grin. "Eight hundred years ago, King Ludvag of Tronovia gave this crown to my great-grandmother, Queen Yavanna, in a show of friendship. According to my mother, it is rumored they were secret lovers, and the crown was his way of confessing his feelings for her."

"How depressingly romantic," she sighs. "Well, I suppose we better put this on, so you're ready."

I curtsey, so she can place the silver tiara filled with emeralds on top of my head. The silver and green matches the colors of Tronovia perfectly and even compliments the heels I picked out last minute to complete my look. Once the final touches are perfected, I take in a deep breath and check my reflection one last time before the rest of our entourage arrives and escorts us to the ballroom.

Just as he did last night, Atlas tucks my arm in his and guides me inside. With my mother and friends by my side, I feel my confidence growing with each step I take toward the dais to greet the Frost King. I know who I am. Now it's time to ensure my grandfather knows it too.

Armas' eyes flick up to find mine and though he's smiling, the disgust for my choice in emerald accessories isn't missed. The nerves within me spike when we stand before the Frost King, and I curtsey deeply. When I rise, I tilt my head up. I won't cower before him and even if he banishes me, I will make my own decisions. This is my life and I'm done living it to please others.

The Frost King claps his hands twice, signaling the music and chatter to die down. Suddenly, the dance floor clears of couples, leaving me and my entourage at the center of attention.

"Welcome to the second night of Levanora!" His voice carries across the immaculately decorated hall. "As I promised you last night, my granddaughter, Princess Aurelia, is here to not only swear fealty to House Basilius, but she will announce her engagement." His silver eyes slice down to me, promising retribution should I cross him. "Aurelia Basilius." He conveniently leaves out Sol in my surname, which irritates me, but I keep my expression neutral. "Do you swear before me and all my guests that you will honor, serve, and protect your king and your kin in House Basilius, until the day you breathe your last?"

"I swear I will honor, serve, and protect my kin in House Basilius until the day I breathe my last." Leaving Armas Basilius out of my oath has whispers circulating. I spot Thrane near the dais and command my face to remain stoic when a smirk slides across his face at the blatant disrespect. If I didn't know any better, I'd suspect Thrane was proud of my public act of defiance.

The Frost King glares at me, but knowing everyone is waiting for the second part – my engagement – he clears his throat and says, "And the matter of your betrothal?"

"If it pleases Your Majesty," I smile sweetly at him before I turn to address the crowd. "Before I make my announcement, I would like to say how happy I am to be here amongst all of you wonderful Dalerinians. I owe my safe return home to the Tronovians, who rescued me from Midori and brought me to Elowen, so I might be restored to House Basilius." Applause erupts and I wait for their cheers to die down. "To show my everlasting gratitude and with the blessing of my grandfather, King Armas Basilius, I have chosen to betroth myself to Atlas Harland of House Delaney, in a show of unity and allyship."