She puffs an icy breath in response.

"There's a landing area where you can watch us fly," Sylvane motions for Nyx to find his way through the front doors.

Nyx nods, patting Seraxes one more time on the snout and turns on his heel to head for the spectating area. Once he's out of earshot, my mother squares her shoulders to mine and lifts her eyebrows playfully.

"What?" I sigh. "What's that face for?"

"Are you sleeping with both of them?"

I cough, nearly choking on a quickly sucked in breath. "No," I shake my head, patting my chest. "No, I'm not sleeping with both of them."

"So, you're sleeping with one of them. The first one?"

"Why so curious?"

"That will complicate matters, if you follow through with your grandfather's demands of marrying a Frost Elf."

Suddenly, the air is sucked out of the room and I'm finding it hard to think. I'd forgotten about that completely after the night I shared with Atlas. I love him. There's no way I'd be able to marry someone else now, especially after giving myself over to him fully.

I rub the heels of my palms against my eyes. "Shit."

"Do you have a plan?" She asks, stroking Corvex's nose. "Or are you hoping the Frost King will forget?"

"Either I follow my heart, or I accept Thrane's offer."

Her interest is piqued. "What offer?"

"Thrane told me last night the Frost King is pressuring him to find a wife. He proposed we marry one another. I could stay here, be accepted as a Basilius and still…"

When I trail off, realization sparks in her eyes. "You will still have the Tronovian. You love him, don't you?"

"Atlas?" When she nods, I exhale and say, "Yes, I love him."

"Aurelia," her soft voice nabs my attention. "I will never ask you to betroth yourself to a man for the sake of Armas Basilius to accept you. I chose the man I loved, in spite of the consequences."

"If I defy the Frost King, he'll force me to leave you."

"My darling girl," she slips her hands on my shoulders and smiles. "Sometimes you must stand your ground and follow your heart. Do not allow the threats and intimidation of one old man to dictate your happiness."

"And if he sends me away?"

"Corvex and I would plan an extended vacation in Tronovia." She kisses my forehead. "I hear Draaksten is unoccupied," she wiggles her eyebrows as she makes her way inside Corvex's pen to mount him. "Besides, wherever you go, Seraxes will be bound to go as well. And we both know dragons shouldn't be left alone. As her older brother, Corvex will feel obligated to keep a watchful eye on her."

I slip inside Seraxes' pen and hop on her back. It's easy to do now, and oddly enough, I feel like I've been flying with her for years. It's in my blood, no doubt about it.

"Let's give your new best friend a show," I tease, garnering a vicious side-eye from Seraxes. "What? Too far? What is it about him anyway? Is it his hair? His hazel eyes?" Her nostrils flare before launching into the sky, and if I didn't know any better, I'd swear every flip, spin and barrel roll were geared to impress Nyx watching from below. "Show off, indeed."

Corvex and Seraxes serpentine around each other, zipping around the course with incredible speed. I lean forward, making myself as aerodynamic as possible to keep my seat. This feeling has become an addiction. Soaring through the air, spearing through each hoop with ease and accuracy. At first, I was terrified of how fast Seraxes is, but I've come to crave the wind flipping my hair over my back. As we finish the course, I sit up, stretching my arms wide and closing my eyes. I love this feeling. It feels like freedom.

"You can tell there's so much trust between you now," my mother says.

I glance over at her, our dragons flapping their white wings, keeping us hovering in place. I bob my head and pat Seraxes scales. "I think we make quite the team."

"I do believe there's someone else who also compliments you."

I look in the direction she's staring and spot Atlas standing beside Nyx and my heart leaps in my chest. I tap Seraxes and point downward when she tosses her head back at me. "Let's go."

A nosedive that would have paralyzed me in fear a week ago, now exhilarates me. Seraxes only pulls up at the very last second to perch on the landing area. I quickly slide down Seraxes' side and run over to Atlas. Not caring who sees us, I jump into his awaiting arms, wrap my legs around his torso and kiss him. I tug my fingers through his hair and bite his bottom lip, enjoying the soft moan vibrating through his chest.