"Well, hello to you, too." He smiles against my lips when I reluctantly pull back a smidge.

"It's about damn time, Kitarni!" Nyx howls, reminding me he's still here. "Wait, does this mean you two are together?"

I slip down from Atlas' chest and grin up at him. "What do you think?"

"You're mine."

"Oh, thank the Stars!" Nyx exhales. "Another couple of weeks and I was going to owe Ronan a good bit of money."

"Wait a second!" I scoff, eyes widening. "You two were betting if Atlas and I would end up together or not?"

"Correction," Nyx puts a hand up. "We were both betting in favor of you being together, just disagreed on the timing. I just happen to know you two better."

"Ass," I chuckle, but Atlas doesn't look the least bit surprised. "Wait, you knew?"

"I found out the other night," he admits.

"Well," I turn back to Nyx. "How much did you make off Ronan?" I tease and Nyx grins wickedly.

"A hundred crowns."

My eyes pop and I laugh. "Damn, Nyx. I suppose drinks will be on you when we get back to Tronovia."

"Drinks?" He chuckles. "Why would I be paying for your drinks?"

"You made money off of us, the least you could do is buy us a drink."

He rolls his eyes, but every argument that flashes in his eyes dies on the tip of his tongue. The moment I see him accept defeat, I grin, but I don't get the chance to tease him, because my mother joins us. She nods at the boys and smiles at me. "I am sure you have plans the rest of the day, but could I persuade you into joining me on one more excursion today?"

Atlas gently pushes me toward her, his silent way of telling me to spend all the time I can with her. "You two have fun. Nyx and I have to – "

"Sleep," Nyx interjects. "Nyx needs to sleep. I won't be of any use tonight, if I don't rest."

"I'll make sure he gets back safely," Atlas says and winks at me. "I'll see you when you're finished."

As Atlas and Nyx head up the incline, I can hear Nyx telling his older brother how Seraxes took to him faster than me. I have half a mind to shout something snarky, but I refrain, sensing my mother's piercing stare pinned to me. I glance up at her and she smiles.

"So," she says with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes, "how do you feel about jewelry?"

"I love anything that sparkles."

My first thought is she is going to bring me down to the city to shop, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Deep in the heart of Stelara, on one of the lowest levels of the castle, my mother escorts me inside the heavily guarded Basilius Royal Treasury. The windowless room harbors gems and jewels of different cuts and colors housed in tufted blue velvet boxes on glassed white shelves from the floor to the ceiling. With only one way in or out, the safety measures ensure this priceless collection remains intact.

"I've never seen anything like this before," I say in reverential awe.

"This collection has been acquired over hundreds of years," Sylvane circles the room. She motions toward a wall filled with necklaces, earrings, bracelets and hairpins. "Emeralds from Tronovia, rubies from Bava, amethysts from Midori, sapphires from Hydra, topaz from Durne – all gifts from our allies over the centuries." Gliding to the opposite wall, she waves her hand from floor to ceiling, pointing out a case filled with diamonds and pearls. "These were crafted here in Elowen as presents for engagements, birthdays, and other special occasions."

"Everything in here is stunning," I turn in a circle, taking each sparkling gem in. "Some would even say, enviable."

The corners of her mouth tick upward as she squares her shoulders to mine. She rests her hand against the glass where dozens of diadems are displayed, "Last night, I asked you to wear the tiara I had designed because it symbolizes your heritage. Tonight, I want you to pick something on your own. And remember, whatever you choose has meaning, so pick wisely."

"You're letting me wear anything in here?"

She nods. "You are a Basilius, are you not? All of these belong to you as well."

I methodically scan the shelves and cases filled with gemstones that pale in comparison to my collection in Midori. Any color stone one could imagine is sitting here within my reach, but there is one piece that beckons me.

"What would the Frost King expect me to wear tonight?" I ask.