Page 63 of Teddy

“That, um…was that the endorphin high you were talking about?” I ask. “When I felt all floaty?”

Teddy nods against my shoulder. “Yes. It’s called subspace. You fell into it beautifully.”

I swallow. Every time I’m with Teddy, I feel a little floaty. But this was more. “Am I going to crash now?”

“You’re already back on Earth,” he assures me. “And I’m going to hold you and feed you and look after you tonight to make sure you stay there with me, okay?”

“Yeah,” I say, feeling my eyes well again. “Thank you.”

“No thanks necessary,” he says softly. “That’s my job.”

It takes me a moment to ask the question on my mind. “And you? You get something out of this?”

He leans his forehead against my neck, lips brushing my skin. “Yeah, sweetheart. I get a hell of a lot out of this.”

“Okay,” I whisper, so very relieved.

“Do you want me to remove the plug?” he asks, drawing my attention back to that very thing.

I pause, considering that. “Can it stay for a little while?”

He hums, the sound soft and light. “Yeah, it can stay.”

I kind of like it. Frankly, I wish it were Teddy’s dick instead, but this is nice, too.

“Maybe,” Teddy says slowly, lips at my ear, “I could plug you some day before work. Then you could feel me while we’re apart.”

I suck in a breath.

“Every time it shifts and makes you hard,” he says, “you could think about my fingers in your ass, getting you ready. Spreading you open and making you ache. And once you’re home, I could bend you over, pull it out, fill you with my cock…because you’re mine, isn’t that right?…and then fuck you to my heart’s content. And you’d take it, wouldn’t you? You’d take it all like the good doll you are.”

I wheeze a little.

“Is that a yes?” he asks, the lovely, smug bastard.

“Mm,” I answer, the best I can do.

He chuckles against my ear. “Next time.”

“All these next times,” I croak out, turning my head. “You better make good on your promises, hubby. I know where you sleep at night, and I’ve been known to get a little randy when I don’t get my way.”

“Don’t you worry,” he says, lips brushing my cheek. “I’ve got you.”

And that, I believe.

Chapter 17


“Doing okay?” I ask, lips twitching.

Kipp attempts to shoot me a glare. “Fine,” he says, squirming a little.

“Mhm. Need more lotion?”

“You’re mean,” he says. “A very mean man who does very nice things to my body.”

I chuckle, heading his way.