Page 62 of Teddy

But then Teddy’s fingers in my hair tug, a reminder that he’s here, that he’s got me, and I drop my cheek to the bed, closing my eyes and choosing to trust. It’s just a little spanking, right? I can take that like a goddamn man.

As soon as I’m relaxed, there’s another thwack against my ass. Teddy doesn’t slow this time. He does another. And another, almost too fast for me to keep track of. It is gentler, but that doesn’t seem to matter because the sting is everywhere. On my ass, my thighs, my cock, my balls, even. Without being aware of what I’m doing, I find myself grinding against Teddy’s lap, trying to relieve the ache or ease the pressure or—I don’t even know. When the next slap jostles the plug, I cry out, only to…

“Fuuuck,” I groan, rubbing harder against Teddy’s leg.

“There you go,” Teddy coos. “Let yourself fall into it. My beautiful doll. Look at you.”

“I…” Words.

Teddy smacks me again, and I moan. I moan. The ache blooms outward from the point of impact, radiating over my ass, inside my ass, to my stomach and cock like a wave of pleasured pain. I think… Fuck, I think I like it.

He slaps my ass again and again, all the while telling me how perfect I am. Praising me. Calling me beautiful. Telling me how gorgeous his handprint is on my skin. My fingers tangle in the bedsheets near my head, my entire body on fire, my soul caught in the flames. I start craving the hits. The way the plug jostles. That burn that licks over my skin. The way my cock throbs every time Teddy’s palm greets my ass, as if the sensation is being shot up through my shaft. It’s messed up, isn’t it? Why the hell does it feel so good?

I don’t know, don’t even care. I lose track of everything except Teddy’s hand. I stop flinching. Stop bracing. Every single hit is euphoric. A shot of pure bliss in my veins. I feel like I’m climbing. Like I’m reaching for some precipice, but I don’t move a muscle to get there. I can’t.

Is this what it’s like to put every ounce of your trust into another person? To know they’ll be there to take care of you no matter what?

I never want it to stop.

“Gorgeous, babydoll. You’re gorgeous.”

I think I moan as Teddy’s palm runs over my skin. He smacks the top of my thigh, a thwack of beautiful, flashing sparks.

How long have we been doing this? Minutes? Days?

“You realize I’m never going to be able to let you go?” he says hoarsely, as if that’s a bad thing. “You’re mine, Kipling. You’re fucking mine.”

And when his palm connects with my ass again, I fly. It’s an explosion so sweet it feels like I’m a million tiny butterflies, rocketing into the air, wings taking flight. It’s a blasting apart of atoms, of my very composition. It’s soaring and tumbling and cascading back together in a gentle, spiraling flow. It’s knowing I’m not the same person as I was a short while ago. And being utterly okay with that fact.

I don’t realize I’m crying until Teddy’s thumb ghosts over my cheek. Don’t even realize I came against his leg until he shifts me slightly and I feel the sticky evidence. I’m still dancing in the clouds, my tears like rain down my cheeks, cleansing and quiet. Teddy kisses my nose, and I smile. I fucking smile.

He shifts me onto my side, curling behind me, pulling a blanket up over our legs. He holds me and rubs my arm, the brush of his pants a reminder of my aching ass. I don’t care. I cry, and it feels fucking good. Cathartic. I let out the pain of this shitty day. The hurt over my family’s betrayal, time and time again. I let out the joy of knowing I’m safe here with Teddy. Safe and loved. God, I feel loved. I let the tears flow, and I don’t feel an ounce of embarrassment. Not when Teddy is telling me I’m gorgeous. His perfect porcelain doll. His.

Did he know? Did he know I needed to cry like I needed air?

“It’s their loss,” he says quietly.

I nod, grabbing his hand and pressing it against my chest. It doesn’t feel like a loss. Not right now.

“Are you feeling okay?” he asks before kissing the shell of my ear.

I nod again, having to clear my throat before speaking. “Thank you.”

“Of course, sweetheart,” he rasps, his arm tightening around me.

I wipe my cheek, feeling a little more like I’m on solid ground again. I kind of miss the clouds. “You, um…you didn’t fuck me.”

“Next time,” he says gently.

“I can take it,” I say a little indignantly, wiggling back against him and hissing when the material of his pants rubs my ass.

“Next time,” he says again, kissing my neck. “This one hit you hard. And that’s okay. It’s really good, Kipp. You…” He blows out a breath, the rush of air tickling my skin. “I wish you could have seen yourself. How absolutely stunning you were. Are.”

My heart beats beneath his palm. “I didn’t know. I had no clue I was like this. That I could want this.”

“I know,” he says gently, kissing my shoulder. “Thank you for letting me show you.”
