Page 29 of Teddy

I’m pretty proud of my response, all things considered. “Hi.”

Teddy tilts his head a little, pausing. “You okay?”


His smile shifts, crooking up at one end. “I can hear you thinking from here. Just a second. Let me put these away real quick.”

Teddy heads into the kitchen, still fully visible but facing away from me, and my eyes catch on the coffee table where my ring is sitting. It’s odd how quickly I got used to wearing it and how…bereft my hand feels now that it’s gone. Would it be weird to put it back on? Teddy is still wearing his.

Before he can turn around, I snatch the ring off the table and stick it on my finger, having to give it a little wiggle to get it over my knuckle.

“All right, come on,” he says, waving me toward the door.

“Wait, what? Where are we going?”

“I figured we could walk and talk,” Teddy says. “You’ll be more comfortable if we’re moving.”

Jesus, it’s like this guy knows me.

“Yeah, okay,” I agree.

Teddy waits as I slip into shoes, and then the two of us head down to the sidewalk, Teddy leading me in a direction that looks more residential. We’re quiet for a few minutes until the sound of traffic dies down. The houses in this area are pretty, many of them with landscaped front lawns suited to the desert climate.

Teddy is the first to speak. “You’re wondering about last night.”

I puff out a breath. “Yeah.”

He nods, as if he expected as much. “Were you at all uncomfortable?”

My instinct is to say no because, with the exception of that one short b word, I wasn’t uncomfortable in the least. Frustrated at first, sure. I considered taking myself in hand a time or two when Teddy decided he was going to stop playing nice with my dick. But then…then I just let him lead, and it was nice. A relief.

In the end, I answer truthfully. “For the most part, no, I wasn’t uncomfortable.”

Niko would be so proud.

“Which parts weren’t you comfortable with?” Teddy asks.

Shit, I have to say it?

Teddy reaches over and gives my hand a squeeze, like he knows I’m having trouble. He looks down, seemingly surprised to find the ring back on my finger, something I refuse to feel guilty about. It’s my ring; I’ll wear it if I want. Even if it is maybe a size too small.

Teddy lets my hand go before long, but the squeeze helped.

“Are you really a Daddy?” I ask, amazed by how even my voice comes out.

Teddy hums. “I have been.”

“But you aren’t now?”

“I didn’t say that,” he responds. “I’m not sure that ever truly goes away, but… It’s not something I’ve acted on in a long time.”

“But, with me last night…” I let the question hang.

“I couldn’t quite help myself,” Teddy answers, a little smirk on his face.

“I’m the same age as you,” I point out, confused about that. “Well, shit, that’s not true, is it? I’m, what, seven years younger? But that’s not a huge gap. I’m not young. You’re not old.”

He chuckles. “It doesn’t always work like that, Kipp. The dynamic has nothing to do with age.”