Page 28 of Teddy

I tuck my hand over my mouth. “And then he called me a good boy.”

Niko doesn’t laugh like I half-expect him to. He hums thoughtfully. “How’d you feel about all that?”

“I mean, it was really fucking fantastic,” I admit, my body flushing just remembering it. How nice it was to let Teddy take care of me. To just go with the flow and not think. I shiver a little at the memory of his hand on my cock, his other in my hair. “The orgasm was—holy shit, Nik. But… The ‘boy’ thing threw me.”

“Because of your dad?” Niko asks.

“Yes,” I say, relieved he got it. My dad has a distinct way of calling me boy that makes it feel like I’ve failed at life. It didn’t sound like that coming from Teddy’s lips, but still. It was a strange-as-fuck choice of endearment. I’m far from a boy.

“I assume you told Teddy you didn’t like it?” Niko asks.


“Kipp,” he says, huffing a laugh. “Is it going to happen again? You and him?”

“Yeah, I think so. He made it sound like it was on the table.”

Which thank fuck. Sex with my hot-as-hell hubby? Yes, please. This whole marriage thing is already looking up.

“Okay, then you need to tell him,” Niko says, being much too reasonable.

“Yeah, maybe,” I mumble.

He chuckles. “But otherwise, you enjoyed it?”

“A lot,” I say. “I just wish…”

Again, I trail out, and Niko gives me a verbal nudge. “You wish what?”

“We didn’t even kiss,” I tell him. Which, yeah, maybe I’m a little disappointed about that. I like kissing, and Teddy has great lips. I bet his beard would be soft with the right amount of bristle. I sigh just imagining it.

“If not kissing is a limit for you, tell him,” Niko says. “You have to communicate these things.”

“A limit,” I say slowly, wondering at the weird way in which he worded that.

There’s a brief pause, and then Niko says, “Uh, you realize Teddy is a Daddy Dom, right?”

I can feel my mouth drop open. “Whaaat?”

“Oh my God, Kipp!”

“How the hell was I supposed to know that?” I defend, standing up and pacing the living room.

“Well, for starters, how about the fact that he called you good boy?”

“Yeah, I suppose there’s that,” I admit, my mind cycling back through every moment of last night. The way Teddy took over. How he wouldn’t let me come until he was entirely satisfied I was going to lie there like he asked and be good for him. How utterly commanding he was in a calm, controlled way that made it incredibly easy for me to follow his demands. How he was happy to take care of me without reciprocation. “Oh.”

“There it is,” Niko says.

I swallow roughly, whispering into the phone. “Does that mean he wants me to call him…Daddy?”

I swear Niko chuckles, but it’s a quiet thing. “You’ll have to ask him.”

I groan, walking over to the window. “I can’t ask him that with words. And what does that make me in this scenario?” The door unlocks, and I hiss urgently, “Shit, he’s here. Gotta go.”

I slip my phone in my pocket as Teddy comes through the door, a couple grocery bags in hand. He notices me immediately, a small smile on his face as he looks me over.

“Hey, you’re up,” he says, all calm and handsome and stuff.