Page 16 of Nils

“I’m sorry. What was that?”

Chuckling, she says, “I said sure. I’m up for a movie.”

“And food?”

She shakes her head. “No, I’m good. I had a huge salad earlier with Willow, so I’m still pretty full. But if you’re hungry, don’t let me stop you from getting something.”

“No.” I shake my head once. “I’m actually fine too.”

After we sit down on the sofa, I turn on the TV. We check out all of the options on my many streaming services, and ultimately decide to watch something scary.

Our selection is a new slasher flick with a B-level cast. Sometimes those are the best. But even if it’s not that great, a horror movie feels fitting and timely, seeing as it is October, and Halloween is coming up in a few weeks.

There is one other reason I prefer the scary movie choice. I sure as fuck don’t want to watch any kind of romantic movie with Ellie.

Or, God forbid, anything with sex scenes.

Hell, no.

Bring on the slasher flick.

Before I start the movie, Ellie slides over to the other end of the sofa and tucks her legs up under her.

I scoot down away from her to the far side.

We watch the movie, and it turns out to be just okay. Certainly not an Oscar contender or anything, but there are a few good scares. The film keeps my attention enough that I only sneak in a few surreptitious glances over at Ellie.

So, all in all, I behave.

I’m feeling more comfortable, so after the movie is over, I turn off the TV and, twisting on the sofa to face her, I ask Ellie, “What did you think? Did you like it?”

Sweeping her long dark hair over one shoulder and twirling a strand around her index finger, she says, “It was decent. I was surprised a few times.”

“Yeah,” I tease, “I thought I saw you over there jumping once or twice.”

“Riiight.” She rolls her eyes at me. “I think that was you doing the jumping, not me.”

Rolling back my shoulders and puffing up my chest, I declare, “No way. I don’t scare that easily.”

She snorts. “Okay, tough guy. Whatever you say.”

We look over at each other, and, as our eyes meet, we both bust out laughing.

This is good; we’re already joking around and acting like goofy siblings.

See, I knew I could be strong.

Now all I have to do is not think about, or lust over, her luscious legs…or her hot ass…or her beautiful eyes…or her pretty face…or anything else.

And if I do all those things, I’ll be driving around in Finn’s Escalade in no time, victorious and safe from Arden’s wrath.


As I lie in another new bed in what will be my room for a while, I think about what a genuinely good time I had tonight watching a scary movie with Nils.

I liked it even better afterward when we talked and joked around a bit.

All in all, I can definitely say I like Nils.