Page 17 of Nils

And not just because he’s hot.

He’s a cool person.

Nils is funny, kind of a smartass, laid-back, and nice. He’s clearly a good guy, just like Arden said he was.

I can see why they’re such good friends.

But one thing Arden never mentioned—not that he ever would—is that Nils is waaay hotter in person. It was all I could do to play it cool when I first met him outside in his driveway.

His green eyes really are the color of freaking emeralds, and his messy dark blond hair looks so silky and soft.

He had on a tight dark olive tee that showed off his corded forearms, huge biceps, and wide chest. And don’t think I didn’t notice how big his quads looked in the ripped, faded jeans he had on.

Damn, I’d really like to climb that man like a tree.

And do a lot of sinful things to him.

I sigh.

There will be time for that.

I hope.

For now, I was happy just watching a movie with him. Not only did it allow us to start to get to know each other and bond a little, but it gave me many opportunities to slyly glance over at his yummy body and drool.

Not literally, but in my mind.

He is so sexy.

Clearly my crush on him has gone nuclear.

I really fucking want that man.

And not just as a fling.

That’s right, I’ve decided already that I want more. I knew this could happen after I met him. And it has. My change of heart to escalate my plan from a hookup to potentially more was never out of the realm of possibility. My crush on this man has always been huge.

Only thing is this means my plan to bed Nils just got a whole lot more complicated.

That’s okay. I have nothing but time—time to not only get him to want me but time to allow him to fall for me.

We’re off to a promising start.

I made some headway when we first met out in the driveway. He was totally checking me out. He thought he was being sly, but I caught him on more than one occasion.

I guess my flirting worked. The skimpy jean shorts and low-buttoned blouse I chose to wear didn’t hurt my cause, either.

In fact, my outfit was still working its magic down in the entertainment room. With the way I had my legs curled up under me, which was totally by design, they were on full display.

I saw Nils glancing over at me several times, but more so when we were watching the first half of the movie. Either he had steeled himself or he was really immersed in that stupid flick.

Hmm, I think the former is correct.

Well, if he did steel himself, I’ll be working on that.

I’ll get his attention again.

I have a few days to think of some ways to do so, seeing as Nils will be away starting tomorrow.