Page 12 of Nils

Good. Now that I’m alone with Finn I finally have a chance to get to the bottom of why he finds it so amusing that Ellie agreed to move into my house.

That’s right, she did. And when, in the locker room before we hit the ice, Arden told me she was up for staying with me, Finn let out a snort that even had Arden looking over at him curiously.

He didn’t question him about his strange reaction, though.

But I sure the fuck am, right now.

“Seriously,” I go on, “you were weird last night at the restaurant when I threw out the idea of Arden’s sister staying with me. And now today in the locker room—that snort? What the fuck is up with you?”

Finn stops at his graphite-gray Cadillac Escalade, which is parked next to my black Range Rover.

As we both open the back hatches of our respective vehicles and load in our sticks and bags, he says, “It’s just…” He pauses what he’s doing and looks over at me. “Have you ever seen Arden’s sister?”

Placing my last stick in the back cargo area of my vehicle and closing the hatch, I cross my arms and reply, “No, I haven’t. Why are you asking?”

He closes his back door and turns to face me. “Dude, she’s fucking beautiful. Like, I don’t know how you’re not going to be attracted to her. And that thing about her being the sister you never had?” He chuffs, “Never going to happen, my friend. Never.”

Okay, now I’m curious, so I ask, “First off, how do you even know what she looks like? It’s not like she’s in the public eye. I mean, she’s been away at college for four years. When did you even have a chance to meet her? I don’t recall her ever coming to any games.”

“I haven’t met her,” Finn replies. “But one day a while ago, Arden and I were talking about family. He showed me some pictures on his phone. A couple of them were of Ellie, and, man, I’m telling you…” His eyes hold mine meaningfully. “She is fucking hot. Think long raven-black hair, turquoise eyes, big boobs, and a tight little bod. Shit, dude…” He shakes his head and chuckles. “You are in for it. This will truly be a test of your friendship with Arden.”

Bristling, I uncross my arms. “Now wait just a minute. What do you think I am? Some maniac who has no self-control? We have beautiful women throwing themselves at us all of the time, and it’s not like I’m out there bedding each and every one.”

“Yeah, but there have been a few you couldn’t resist,” he reminds me with a sly look.

I volley back, “Ah, hell, same for you, dude.”

He holds up his hands. “I know, I know. I’m guilty as charged. I think we’ve all been there once or twice. Some guys even more.”

On that, he’s right. Every single one of us has had our moments of weakness, or sometimes we just felt like being bad boys. But most of my antics are in the past. Now that I’m twenty-seven, I’ve calmed down a lot.

And that’s why, gorgeous or not, I’m sure I can not look at Arden’s sister in any way other than her being my own damn relative.

I tell Finn I won’t be tempted, and he laughs. “I don’t know, man. All I’m saying is good luck with that.”

I roll my eyes at him.

Ignoring me, he asks, “So, when is she moving in?”

“Tonight. Since we have a three-game road trip coming up, Arden and I figured we should get her settled into my place before we leave town. This way she can have the house to herself a little while before I return. Hopefully, that’ll give her a chance to get comfortable without me hovering around.”

As Finn takes a step backward along the side of his SUV, readying to leave, he points at me with his key fob and chuckles. “Hovering around is a good way to put it. Because that’s what you’re going to want to do once you get back.”

I pshaw. “Aw, fuck you, Finn. I’m going to prove you so wrong.”

Stopping, he raises a brow and asks, “Want to make a wager on that?”

We like to bet on shit all the time, so I nod and say, “Sure. Let’s do it.”

“Okay, so…” He thinks about it, then says, “If you sleep with Ellie, then for two weeks you have to do all of my dirty laundry. And I mean all of it. No sending it out, no getting someone else to do it.”

I snort. “Ugh, that’s disgusting. And fuck that. You’re talking small potatoes. Let’s make this bet bigger and better than that.”

“All right, okay.” His eyes dart to my beauty—my Range Rover. Tapping the side panel, he says, “If you lose, then I get the title to this baby.”

I gasp, “Not my Rover, dude. I ordered it customized to my exact specifications. Hell, it took fucking forever for it to come in.”

Scoffing, Finn says tauntingly, “You’re that sure you’re going to lose, huh?”