Page 11 of Nils

“He did?” I blurt out, stunned. “Why would he do such a thing?”

Arden sighs. “He’s just a good guy like that, Ellie. And we’re very good friends. In fact, he said something that was pretty funny, but may actually happen.”

“Oh, yeah,” I say, curious. “What’s that?”

“He said you’ll probably end up being like the sister he never had.”


Good God, we don’t want that!

Of course, I can’t say any of this to Arden.

So, smiling slyly, I just murmur, “Mmm, yeah, maybe. You never know.”

Yeah, right.

“So, what do you think?” he asks. “Do you want to stay with Nils?”

Do I ever!

I need to still play it like I’m not sure, so I hedge, “I don’t know, Arden. I guess if you’re absolutely sure he’s okay with it, I’ll consider it.”

He assures me, “He is definitely more than okay with it.”

I shrug. “Then okay. Sure. I guess I am too.”

Internally, I’m cheering—Yes!

Arden looks pleased, as well, but for a completely different reason.

“That’s great,” he says, smiling. “I feel better already knowing you’ll be living at Nils’s house. We can work out the logistics later, but I’ll let him know you said ‘yes’ to staying at his place.”

“All right.” I nod.

We wrap up, and Arden leaves me alone in my temporary bedroom.

I sit down on the edge of the bed and start smiling like crazy.

I cannot believe I am going to be freaking living at Nils’s house.

I can put my fun little plan to seduce him into effect immediately.

Or maybe, if I end up really liking him as a person, there could be more.

It’s a possibility, right?

Since I’ll have him all to myself quite a bit, I could potentially get him to fall for me—like head over heels in love.

Okay, I know I’m getting way ahead of myself.

But still, wouldn’t that be something?


“Dude, what is your fucking problem?”

We just finished up with our afternoon practice, and Finn and I are walking to our cars. Arden parked in a different area of the players’ lot, so we already parted ways with him.