“Mr. Everette, I resign.” She startles at her own words, fear lancing her face. Her mouth drops open in shock at what she’s said.

I breathe through the need to demand to know what scared her because I don’t think it’s me. “Not until I’m married, Miss Hart. That’s your job. Then you can do whatever you want to.”

Her head tilts, and her brows pinch together as if she’s trying to read between my words. Come on, Nymph. Figure it out.

“You can’t do that!” Her brows pull together. “I’ll get another job.”

Anger flashes through me. “Not in my city.”

“Why?” she pleads, confused desperation filling her voice.

I step back, hating the distance between us, but if I don’t let her go now, I won’t be able to stop. “Nicholas, take her home. Don’t lose her again.”

“I won’t, boss. I swear,” Nicholas replies, remorse in his tone. Misty doesn’t waste any time climbing into the back seat.

I don’t say it’s okay because it’s not.

“One last chance,” I warn.

“Yes, sir.” He closes the door, Misty disappearing behind it.

Matthias stands silently until they disappear around the corner and follows me into my car. He’s known me long enough to know I need time to calm down. I trail Nicholas, not bothering to hide it. I doubt Misty’s paying attention, and I’m not ready to have her out of my sight.

We pull up to her place, and my eyes trail after her as she struggles to unlock the apartment door. “Fix that.”

“Oh, so you’re talking to me now?” Matthias responds.

“Can you fix the door or not?”

“Yes I can fix the fucking door.” He doesn’t look up from where he’s typing on his phone. “I’ll have someone manning it before the morning.”


I pull up the camera feed and watch Misty make her way up the stairs. She looks exhausted, all the fight seeped out of her, and I hate that I can’t go to her yet.

“So, let me get this straight. Your girl comes to your club to hook up with somebody else.” Matthias ignores my growl and keeps going. “Then you pick her up, throw her over your shoulder, and carry her through the bar. I wiped our cameras and everyone’s phones. You’re welcome.”

I nod. The press would have a field day if that got out. It would have been an appealing way to force her hand, but I’d probably kill someone if they printed anything negative about her.

Matthias continues. “Then you get jealous of your driver, who’s been with you the last fifteen years and is happily married.And now you’re sitting outside her front door fucking watching her on your personal feed?”

I settle into my seat, ready to spend all night here, just in case my little vixen decides she’s going to take another late-night trip. “Do you have a point?”

“Only that I find it absolutely hilarious to see you like this. Please continue.”

My eyes dart to him, but any anger I’m going to lash out with dies at the smirk on his face. I should have found him sooner. It’s the happiest I’ve seen him in a while, and since I have no plans on stopping myself, there’s no reason he can’t enjoy it.

“She’ll come around,” I say.

“I don’t know, Dam. She looked pretty pissed. Didn’t you learn you aren’t supposed to have to restrain them? Hell, girls should be begging for your cock right now after Grandfather’s announcement.”

He’s not wrong, but the answer is simple. “They aren’t her.”

He huffs out a breath and leans his head back on the headrest. “Fine. What did you do to piss her off?”

“Refused to extend her visa.”

His head snaps up. “Why the fuck would you do that?”