“What do you mean no?”

He huffs out a breath. “I’m not signing the document.”

Confusion seeps in as I try to understand. “But we just…”

“We just what?” he deadpans, voice completely void of emotion.

Embarrassment flashes through me, leaving me cold in its wake. I rip myself away from him, already heading toward the exit. “You’re an asshole.”

“Never said I wasn’t.”

He closes the distance between us and drags me toward a different door.

Chapter 11


“You are such an asshole!” Misty shouts the second I release her arm out the back of the club. She’s all fire and damnation right now. Pink hair wild around her shoulders, eyes flashing. If it wasn’t for the hint of hurt in her eyes, I’d enjoy pissing her off all the time.

I open my passenger door and gesture to her. “It’s time to go.”

“Are you kidding me right now? I’m not going anywhere with you.” Her arms are crossed in front of her, and she’s practically levitating with agitation. She’s stunning when she’s raring for a fight, and I only have so much willpower.

I close the distance between us and lean in so only she can hear me. “You can either get in the car, or I’m going to drag you back into my private room and fuck the fight out of you.” I lean back, smirking when her pupils dilate, but there’s nothing sweet about it. I mean every fucking word. “Your choice.”

“You can’t do that.”

“Can’t I? Do you really think if I get you alone, you wouldn’t beg for my cock? Just like you did earlier.”

Her hand smacks into my face with a loud crack, and the sting has my dick twitching and me closing the distance between us. I grab her wrists and pin them behind her back in one hand. If she keeps this up, I’m going to forget all of my carefully crafted plans and lock her in my room until she agrees to marry me. My dick grows harder at the thought, and I give her hands a sharp tug, drawing a gasp from her perfect lips, swollen from our kiss. I tilt my head and warn, “I’m dead serious, Nymph. What’s it going to be?”

She scans my face, eyes darkening, and her tongue slips out to wet her bottom lip. I wonder if she knows her expression gives her thoughts away.

I run my thumb along the curve of her jaw, stopping just below her ear. She tilts her head back, opening herself to me, and I have to restrain myself from capturing her mouth in a kiss.

I repeat softer. “What is it going to be?”

She snaps out of it, seeming to process her current situation. Hands pinned behind her back, chest pressed up against mine, and me towering over her. She looks around frantically and spots a familiar car pulling up.

Nicholas steps out. “I’m sorry, boss.”

He’s lucky he has years of loyalty behind him. He had one job, and he fucked it up. By the way he’s looking at me, he knows exactly what’s coming for him, but before I can say anything, Misty cuts in.

“I’ll go with him.”

I rear back. “What?”

“Listen to me, Damon. Unless you’re going to physically restrain me, I am not getting in your car.” She pauses and watches as I tilt my head, running my tongue along my top teeth. Does she know how appealing that sounds?

“But you’ll get in Nicholas’s car?”


I look at the man in question, who’s smart enough to take a step back. I’m known for my cool, impenetrable exterior, but there’s nothing rational about my thoughts now. She’s triggered something inside me that doesn’t seem to give a shit that his literal job is driver.

“Damon.” My attention snaps to Matthias, who’s leaning against the brick wall beside the exit door. “Let Nicholas take her home. We’ve got things to do.”

Reality seeps back in, and some of the charge leaves the air. I expect Misty to be scared, but she’s watching me with attention. I loosen my grip finger by finger, in no hurry to let her go, but she stays in place, even when I’m no longer holding her there.