“And what the fuck is this all about?” Beast asks. “I mean, I know a fucked-up relationship when I

see it. I watched this fucker,” he hitches his thumb over his shoulder to who I know is Hella, “fuck

things up with his woman epically. Is what you have with Millie going to be a problem for me?” “No. Things won’t be a problem for you, but she’s mine.” I look over Beast’s shoulder and directly

at Frost. His face is blank and expressionless until a sly smirk slowly creeps onto his lips. Beast nods

his head, understanding setting in. “Yeah, I can’t be controlling her, especially if she’s wild. Have you

met her sister? If she’s turned into something like that, we all have no chance in hell.” Beast shakes

his head and downs the rest of his drink.

“The reason why I called you, and why this is happening, is because you and I can help each

other.” I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees as I glance at Miles.

“How so?” Beast asks.

I smirk, looking up at him from hooded eyes. “Do you know who I am?”

Beast’s eyes run over my body before landing back on my face. “I honestly have no fucking idea.” I grin, lean back into my chair and run my index finger over my upper lip. “000, that number

resonate with you?” I flick my eyes over his shoulder towards Hella. “Or you?”

Hella exhales a heavy breath and leans his palms on his knees, hunching over. “That you?” he asks. I bring my eyes back to Beast. “Yes.”

“You’re the damn executioner?” Beast asks, half in awe, half taken aback.

“In the flesh.”

“Why the fuck are we here?” Beast asks, watching me closely. I see his defense mechanism shoot

up. Good. It shows he’s smart.

“Because I need to run something past you.”


Walking back into Hella’s house isn’t as mortifying as I thought it would be. There’s no rush of haunted memories, nothing. If anything, I feel out of place, like I’m not sure where I stand with Melissa anymore. Though she is my sister and, in the past, we’ve gone longer than three months without talking before, I still feel a sense of disconnect.

“Okay, so you can sleep down here in the room Garret uses as his media room. That going to be okay?” she asks me, her eyes etched in worry.

I plaster a fake smile. “Of course, you don’t have to worry about me.”

Her shoulders slack. “Millie, I’ll always worry about you. I’ve been a terrible big sister and words cannot begin to describe how fucking sorry I am about that.” She pauses, her hand covering her mouth. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to swear.”

I chuckle. “No, it’s okay, Melissa. Say fuck all you want, that part of me died three months ago.”

She takes my hand in hers and leads me towards the kitchen. Hella’s place is like a warm fireplace on a cold winter’s night. It’s a modernized log cabin situated on the very back of the MC property’s land. The living room has floor-to-ceiling glass windows which overlook the yard and where there’s a waterhole that leads into a river. The outside is just as warm as the inside with the branched trees and green grass. It’s homey and I should be thankful for them taking me in.

“Come on, we can cook something up.”

I follow her to the kitchen that’s filled with silver appliances and built with dark marbles and rich wood before pulling out a barstool and taking a seat. She begins pulling out the flour, milk, and eggs and I immediately know she’s going to make pancakes. It’s Melissa’s go-to comfort food. She and my dad used to make them together when we were younger before he turned into an alcoholic.

“So,” she begins, measuring the flour. “Do you want to talk about what happened?”

I look up at her. “No. Not really.”