He lets out a loud laugh before pulling me back into him. Running his soft lips over my earlobe, he whispers into my ear, “There’s a brand new phone in that bag with my number programmed in.”

I inch back and smile. “Thank you.”

“Come on, hussy.” Melissa takes my hand and leads me towards the front door. I pause at the threshold and tilt my head over my shoulder to catch Raze watching me closely, some sort of emotion rippling over his face.

I turn to Melissa. “Take me home.”


I watch as Melissa walks Millie out the door before bringing my attention to Beast. “So what the fuck’s going on, man? You’re going to have to fill me in on why exactly it is that you

decided to call me,” Beast says, stepping forward and pulling out a chair.

“Yeah, this conversation will need reinforcements.”

I walk towards the kitchen pantry, pull down a bottle of whiskey and my cigars before walking back to the table, snatching a couple glasses on the way. I look up from my pouring to see all of Beast’s MC brothers standing behind him. I smile because truthfully, even though it’s just me and Miles, we could take them all out with our eyes closed, and that’s not being cocky, that’s just the truth.

I look at Frost, the one who seems a little too comfortable with Millie, and my jaw clenches. Sliding Beast’s glass toward him, I lift the rim of mine to my lips and take a large sip. “We’re

brothers.” May as well cut the shit.

“I fucking knew it!” Frost blurts out behind Beast.

Beast doesn’t flinch. He cocks his head and studies me. “How so?” Then he takes a drink of his


“Same mom, different dads.” I fill up our glasses. This is the part that’s going to go one of two

ways. First way, he’ll lose his shit and kill me on the spot, or two, look at it as a way to use me. The

latter would work in my favor more.

“What?” His eyebrows draw together. “How the fuck does that happen?” He leans into his chair,

running his index finger over his upper lip.

Leaning over onto my elbows, I tell him, “My dad’s Kurr. Our parents had a thing. They hated each

other, no doubt about that, but they fucked regularly.” Beast pauses, a blank look coming over his face.

Tipping the whiskey down my throat, I note, “You don’t look all that surprised, brother.” He scoffs, snatching the bottle back from me and skipping the glass, going straight to his mouth.

“That’s because I’m not,” he says, wiping away the excess alcohol residue from around his lips. “Huh.” I lean into my chair and clipping off one of my cigars. “And why’s that?” I roll the cigar

around in my mouth and flick the zippo around my fingers, keeping my eyes locked on his. “Because nothing can shock me anymore, least of all, who is fucking who,” he answers smoothly. I chuckle, sparking the zippo and lighting the cigar before sliding the humidor over to him. He takes

one out and lights up. “Speaking of fucking,” he adds, his eyes falling on me, “I take it you broke the


Miles scoffs behind me and I narrow my eyes. “Break?” I smirk, placing the cigar back in my

mouth. “That girl was born broken. She just filled her cracks with a synthetic filler named ‘Catholic

bullshit’. That sort of crazy? It isn’t made; it’s born. Though I gotta warn you,” I add with a grin,

taking a puff on my cigar, “she’s a little rough around the edges now.”