Page 23 of Tell Me I'm Yours



I watched as Kylie executed a graceful dive into the swimming pool, still wondering how even a small part of her still believed what her departed husband had said about her appearance.

And it was quite obvious that somewhere inside her, she was still listening to that bastard’s words, even long after he was dead.

She’d been so young and so impressionable that it wasn’t surprising some of what he’d said had stuck with her, even though those statements had been absolutely false.

She was so far removed from average that the idea that she wasn’t gorgeous was preposterous.

Everything about Kylie Hart was extraordinary, yet she didn’t seem to recognize how beautiful and unique she was, even when a man tried to let her know the truth.

Yes, she could be annoyingly positive, but even that attribute was part of her charm. Even a prick like me could eventually be swayed by her enthusiasm for life. Over the last three weeks, I’d begun to find her upbeat demeanor less and less irritating, and ultimately, I’d started to gravitate toward her warmth.

God, I actually wanted to be close to her now, even though I knew the way I felt was fucking dangerous.

It was too damn hard to be miserable when she was around, and I’d made it a habit to be as despondent as humanly possible.

I’d known she was trouble from the moment she’d barged through my door three weeks ago. I just hadn’t realized that I’d become addicted to disruption.

Every time I turned around, if she wasn’t there, I wished she would bother me with her presence.

I wasn’t sure exactly when it had happened, but at some point in the last three weeks, I’d begun to like being around the smart-mouthed, intelligent, and utterly gorgeous female.

At first, I’d thought that I was just tired of being alone with my gloomy thoughts, but I soon realized I didn’t just want some company.

I wanted her.

Just her.

Any other woman would have probably left after a day or two of putting up with my surly behavior.

Kylie Hart took it all in stride, and had slowly drawn me to her with her unshakeable optimism and cock-hardening smile.

She was like a mystery I wanted to solve, and my fascination with this woman increased every damn day.

She didn’t talk much about her childhood, but she obviously hadn’t had an easy life since she had no memories of her mother, who had died when Kylie was very young. It didn’t sound like she was very close to her father, either, or that he’d given her much support.

Her dreams of being a pro tennis player had been completely shattered.

Her husband had been a bastard who had tried to crush her.

So, how in the hell was it possible for her to still be so damn…happy?

I wanted to understand this contrary female, but I simply…didn’t.

I’d never met someone who could practice yoga and meditate for close to an hour in the morning for peace and serenity, and then went out on a tennis court a little later and competed fiercely like a champion.

I found it utterly captivating that there were so many sides to Kylie, and still so many more details about her that I wanted to discover.

What I didn’t like was the fact that my dick seemed just as intrigued with by her as my brain.

My previously dormant libido had suddenly sprung to life the second I’d seen this gorgeous redhead, and I wasn’t quite certain whether to curse her for that or be grateful that my cock could still get this damn hard.

Every. Single. Moment. She. Was. Nearby.

Fuck!I hadn’t wanted a woman this much in…well, it had been a long time.