Page 22 of Tell Me I'm Yours

Stop it, Kylie. Stop this right now!

Oh, God, I didn’t need to start believing that Dylan Lancaster actually found me attractive.

Not when I knew he could be surrounded by a bevy of goddesses if that’s what he wanted.

I wasn’t ugly.

I wasn’t hypercritical about my appearance.

However, I was realistic, and I wasn’t the type of woman a man like Dylan Lancaster would lust after.

He was a billionaire, highly sophisticated, and educated, and most men like him would end up with a hot, blonde supermodel in their beds.

Possibly more than one.

Not some ordinary, redheaded, working-class woman like me.

I shrugged. “I’m actually okay with who I am now,” I told him honestly.

Maybe I hadn’t been the grand prize winner in the gene pool lottery, but I liked the woman underneath my average exterior most of the time. That was more important, and something I couldn’t have said a decade ago.

Oh, hell, maybe I still couldn’t take a compliment well.

It had taken me a long time to get over the beating my confidence had taken during my marriage, and I wasn’t used to men as slick as Dylan when it came to outrageous compliments.

“Thanks for saying such nice things, though,” I added, not wanting him to think his kindness went unnoticed.

“Kylie?” he queried.


“I didn’t tell you that you’re beautiful just to be polite. I meant every word I said.”

Flustered, I grabbed my coffee as a distraction and tried like hell to change the subject.