I don’t lift mine.

“Mila?” Violet whispers. “Nothing… going on there…?”

“Not last night,” I say. “I practically had to carry Ward back to my dorm.”

I try to laugh but I know how pathetic it sounds.

“He was drunk?” Ruby asks.

“Well, you know, college party and all,” I say.

“Right,” Violet says. “Well, it happens.”

“Even if he was awake, he’d probably have whiskey dick,” Ruby says.

“I wonder what you call it for a woman,” Violet says.

“Instead of whiskey dick?” I asked. “Call it vodka clit.”

Ruby throws her head back and laughs so loud everyone at the cafe looks at her.

I stand up. “Okay, I’m calling it quits. The coffee isn’t doing a thing for me. It’s officially sleep time for me.”

“I like when you’re groggy and horny,” Ruby says.

“Who says I’m horny?” I ask.

“Um… you didn’t have sex last night.”

“I don’t need it every night,” I say.

“Then what’s the point of having a boyfriend?”

“Ruby, that’s enough,” Violet says. “Deep breath.”

“Always nice talking to you, Ruby,” I say.

“Is that a nice way of you calling me a bitch?” Ruby asks.

I shrug and smile.

As I walk toward the door, I see a very familiar face.

Willow opens the door to enter the cafe and doesn’t even see me.

She’s looking down at her phone.

I whistle and she looks up and instantly grabs for me.

“Hey,” I say.

“Mila,” she says. “Is…”

Willow turns her head and her eyes widen at the sight of Violet and Ruby.

They look at her.

“Hey, Willow,” Ruby says. “I was just singing your brother’s praises.”