“Ward?” Willow asks. “Really?”

“She’s being a bitch,” I say.

“Oh. Right.” Willow laughs. A quick laugh. “Um… I need to talk to someone. Or the three of you. I need some advice. About someone.”

“Sounds juicy,” Violet says. “Take a seat. Are you having guy issues?”

“Something like that,” Willow says. “I just got an email… I don’t know if you know this but I’ve been kind of tutoring people for a while now. Just for fun. To get some credits. Just, you know, just existing. Well, guess who I’m tutoring next?”

I shake my head. “Who?”

“Jax… Archer…”

“Jax?” Violet asks.

“Jax… as in the hockey player…?” Ruby asks.

I mouth the name. Jax.

I swallow hard.

Willow is going to be tutoring Jax?

She’s going to be alone with him? Studying with him? Helping him?

I blink fast.

I’m trying to keep myself composed.

For some odd reason… I feel a little jealous.



I stand outside the door and knock for the third fucking time.

My patience has grown razor thin. I’m about to kick the door down just to make sure she’s inside the goddamn room and alive.

I lean forward and place my head against the door.

I need a quick breath.

All this nonsense just to keep my ass lingering around the university.

I know it’s more than that, but still…


I turn my head and there she is.

The most important girl in my life.

“Willow?” I ask.

“That’s… me,” Willow says with a wave. “Did I mess up?”

“Yup,” I say. “Three. Today.”