I feel like the whole world is against me.

Is it that wrong to want to just have a night off and relax?

I sigh and hurry into my room and grab a hoodie.

That’s it. That’s the best the world gets from me.

Not that I’m out to impress anyone.

I have a boyfriend.

Don’t I?

I cringe at that thought and text Violet and Ruby to meet up with me.

We meet outside the library twenty minutes later.

“She showed up!” Ruby calls out.

“Look at me,” I say. “So happy.”

“Where’s Ward?” Violet asks.

“Already at the party,” I say. “He went and told me to meet him.”

“So he’ll be good and drunk by the time we get there,” Ruby remarks.

“I don’t even want to go! Okay?”

I start to get in Ruby’s face and Violet pulls me away.

Violet keeps herself between Ruby and I as we walk to the party.

It’s not hard to find.

Follow the noise. Follow the people.

And, look… a party…

“Come on,” Violet says, grabbing my hand. “I want to see what they’re going to do for the guys!”

She’s bubbly and excited to see Mac.

Good for her.

We go into another frat house and it’s like the same scene as always.

Oh, I’m definitely PMSing hard here. Everything is making me miserable.

The music is crappy. Kind of too loud.

Everyone is bothering me.

The sluts are too slutty.

The muscular guys have too many muscles.

I don’t even bother looking for Ward because quite frankly I did not want to deal with him drunk tonight.