Someone offers me a drink.

I slap it out of their hands.

“Why take it? So you can drug me? Fuck off.”

For the record, it was a girl who handed me the drink.

Even still… I don’t take drinks from strangers.

I kind of sulk in a corner and listen as some frat boys talk over the music, praising the hockey team.

Next thing I know some of the guys are walking by and being introduced.

Then I remember what’s up.

Puckford must be playing Laterden.

Sworn enemies.

The Pirates against the Buccaneers.

Yes, seriously. That’s a thing.

Mac grabs Violet and gives her a big kiss.

Gabriel points at Ruby and she waves a middle finger back at him.

There’s Villi. There’s Knox.

Oh, look… no Jax…?

I’m suddenly intrigued.

Then I start to worry.

What if Ward found out that Jax looked at my ass. Would he get some guys together and…

I have no idea where Ward is right now.

Jax is missing.

Oh. Shit.

My heart jumps up into my throat.

I turn to make a calm exit to…

I freeze and gasp.

Jax is standing right behind me.



So, no, Ward isn’t beating up on Jax right now.

Why would I even think that?