Page 115 of Hooking a Hottie

He’s going off to a real college.

Puckford University.

And I’m going to be left here alone.

That’s right. Alone.

I’m going to have to deal with my grandfather now.

He’s heartbroken but he can’t admit it. He can’t show it either. That means he’ll be extra grumpy and extra mean. And I’m stuck here. That’s right. Stuck. Like my feet are glued to this porch for the rest of my life.

I can’t believe this is really happening too.

What did I think? Huh? Did I think Henry was going to stay? For what?

The university lured him right in. Big promises. Big opportunities.

My grandfather sees it differently.

He wants Henry to stay. To train. To learn. To start out small. To forget about the allure of fame.

I don’t think Henry wants fame though.

Henry just wants to play hockey.

I guess this is the next logical move for him.

But he’s leaving! He’s leaving me. He’s leaving all of this…

I have no choice in the matter but to hate him.

I don’t want to hate him.

I want to love him. I want to write him letters and then sneak away and visit him. I want to end up in his dorm room, in his bed. I want to wear a Puckford Pirates hoodie and cheer for him.

But I can’t.

I can’t do that.

He’s leaving us behind.

So I hate him.


I hate him.

I’m going to hate him today. Definitely tomorrow. For sure the day after that too.

I need to hate him.

To distract myself from the fact that I’m actually in love with him.

There was a part of me that almost wanted Henry to not return.

I played it out in my mind.

He and I randomly running into one another at a bar. Him chasing away some guy. The two of us going down to the beach.