Page 114 of Hooking a Hottie

“You with me?” Henry asked.

“I don’t know. How do I know this is real?”

“Still want me to pinch you?”

“You could just kiss me,” I blurted out.

“That’ll prove that I’m really here?”

“Yeah. We never get that far in my dreams.”

Henry stepped back. “What did you just say?”

“Oh, shit. I didn’t say a thing. Nothing. Not a word. You heard me wrong. Why? What did you hear me say?”

“You dream about me, Sage?”

“What?” I cried out. “No way! I hate you! Remember? You know what? Forget anything I just said. You? Kissing me? I would have to be insane.”

“Well, then what can I do to prove to you I’m really here?”

“I’m not sure. For all I know that other guy put stuff in my drink and I’m passed out.”

“That’s a scary thought. That makes me want to find him and snap his neck.”

“Maybe you really are here, Henry. Tell you what…” I looked around, desperate for something… “I’ve got it. Go get us a drink. One for you. One for me.”

“How is that going to prove anything?”

“I don’t know. I just want a drink.”

Henry nodded. “For the record, I would have much rather pinched your ass.”

“Who said anything about pinching my ass?” I called out, but Henry had already turned and started to walk away.

I reached back and cupped my butt.

I sucked in a breath.

Henry sort of faded into the night.

Now I was all alone on the beach.

I turned and faced the ocean.

I wanted to get out and have some fun.

The thought of seeing Henry?

After everything that happened…

I know in my heart he’s going to leave. I can’t stop him. Even if I grab him and tell him I love him, he’s going to leave. Even if I offer myself to him. He’s not that kind of guy. I don’t even think I can get a proper goodbye kiss.

This whole thing is now broken.

Nothing lasts forever, I know that, but what we had… that flirty fun. That small-town vibe. Knowing my grandfather forbid him to come near me. How we spent the last little while sneaking around. Making out like crazy. Other stuff too…

He’s going to walk away and be gone.