Page 5 of Grizz

“It’s not a choice,” I tell her firmly. “It’s happening.”

She fixes me with an annoyed glare. Fable’s always been cute and smiley, but I guess that was all roleplay for the guys. “Fine,” she says, heading for the door. I frown, glancing back at the baby. “You can watch Ivy while I sleep.” And then she disappears, leaving me alone with her kid.

I pull out my mobile and put a call into Axel. He answers on the second ring, sounding sleepy. “This better be good.”

“Did you know Fable just had a kid?”

I hear some rustling and a heavy sigh. “Nope.”

“That’s why she hasn’t been around the clubhouse.”

He clears his throat. “Wait, start at the beginning.”

“What are you doing asleep anyway?” I ask, checking my watch. “It’s almost one in the morning and you don’t usually leave the office before three.”

“Yeah, well, some of us have old ladies to keep happy,” he mutters. “How old’s the kid?”

I peer at the tiny baby, who is now awake and fidgeting. “I dunno, a few weeks maybe. How can you tell?”

“By asking?” he suggests.

“I would, but she’s gone to bed and left me with the kid.”

A laugh escapes Axel. “Wait, you’re babysitting?”

I frown. “Yeah, that’s messed up, isn’t it? I’m gonna go give her the kid back and get out of here.” I disconnect and stuff my phone in my back pocket. Then I stare at the baby some more. It’s cute in a scrunched-up kind of way. I go to pick it up and realise I’ve never actually held something so small before, so my hands hover over it, trying to work out the best way to grip without hurting it.

I gently slide one hand under its tiny backside, then use the other to support the upper back and head and scoop it towards me. “Jesus,” I mutter, holding it to my chest. “What the fuck is going on?” It makes a small sound, and I move quickly in the direction Fable went.

There are two doors that lead off from the hall. The first is a nursery, and I take a minute to appreciate the effort that’s gone on in here. There’s a painted mural on one wall with lots of little woodland creatures. It’s unfinished, and the paint pots are spread out on a sheet covering the floor.

I go to the next room and stop in the doorway when I see a fully clothed Fable curled into a tight ball, fast asleep. “Well,” I whisper to the kid, “looks like she’s really tired.”

I shift the baby so I’m holding it against me in one hand while I use the other to drag a blanket over Fable before backing out and pulling her door to. I’ll let her sleep for a little while.

I head back into the living room and settle onto the couch, grabbing the television remote. “I was meant to be balls deep in Siren,” I tell the kid, who is now snuggled against me with its eyes closed, “and instead, I’m babysitting a kid I don’t even know.” I give my head a shake. “You’ve cockblocked me and you’re not even mine.”

I wake with a start when the small bundle emanates a screech loud enough to wake the dead. “Jesus,” I hiss, lifting it from my chest and staring at its red, screwed-up face. “Why are you making that noise?”

“She wants fed.” I jump at the sound of Fable’s voice, still not used to it. “She did well to sleep so long.” She appears at my side, then she scoops the screaming alien from me and sits on the chair. I stare in amazement as she lifts her top and the sound immediately stops.

“You’re breastfeeding?” I don’t know why that surprises me, but it does.

Her cheeks redden slightly. “Just for a little while longer. I’ll have to stop soon.”

“Why?” The sound of the baby suckling fills the room and Fable looks down to watch, smiling. It’s a beautiful sight.

“Because men don’t want me leaking milk all over them,” she says with a small laugh.

I frown. “Isn’t it best for the kid?”

“She has a name,” she tells me, a small smile still tugging at her lips. “Ivy. And they say breast is best, but formula-fed kids do just as well.”

“But what do you wanna do?”

She thinks it over. “I like this bonding time,” she admits, stroking Ivy’s wispy hair, “but I need the money.”

“How old is she?”