Page 4 of Grizz

Grizz ignores her and grabs my hand, leading me up the stairs to my room. Once inside, I offer a smile, because in front of these guys, I never speak. A doctor diagnosed me as a selective mute when I was fourteen. I’d stopped speaking back in school after being horribly bullied. I was facing all kinds of trauma at home and having no break from it in school was the final straw.

I find it much easier to talk to people these days, especially once I know them, but I do it for the mystery with these guys. They like that I don’t talk. It also makes me popular amongst the club, although I’ve only ever slept with Grizz once, when he came out of prison.

I remove my silk robe, letting it pool to the floor. Grizz shakes his head. “I came to take you home, sweetheart, not fuck. Get dressed.” I frown, so he continues, “I’m your new babysitter. Pres wants us to watch you ladies.” I shake my head. I don’t need a babysitter, and I certainly don’t need a biker poking around in my already messy life. I haven’t even told anyone about Ivy. “I can’t take you home at one when you finish your shift, so I’ll pay for an hour and get you home early, how’s that?” Weird that he wants to pay me but not have sex. I shrug, and he hands me a roll of cash. “Get dressed,” he repeats, turning his back and looking out the window.

Grizz had no idea where I lived, so I had to write down my address. The rundown, three-story apartments were built back in the sixties and haven’t had work done to them since. They’re practically falling down, but since having Ivy, I’ve had no choice but to stay here instead of the club. I get off the bike and hand the helmet back to Grizz. He stores it away then removes his own. “I’ll come up,” he says, also getting off the bike.

“No,” I say quickly, and his eyes widen at hearing my voice.

A smirk pulls at his lips. “Yes, Fable.”

“It’s just . . .” I hesitate, trying to think up a good enough excuse. “A mess.”

He walks ahead of me, ignoring my comment. “You should talk more, Fable. You’ve got a sexy voice.”

I sigh heavily and follow him. My ground floor flat might not look like much on the outside, but inside, I’ve made it beat expectations. So, when I unlock the door and catch the surprise on Grizz’s face, I smile to myself but block the way so he can’t get past me. Once he sees the babysitter, he’ll ask questions, and that’s the last thing I need. “I have to see the rest,” he tells me, trying to take a step forward. I block his move again, and he frowns. “I’ll leave right after, I swear.”

The living room door opens and I inhale sharply as Jessica enters the hall with Ivy in her arms. “I tried to get her to sleep, Luna, but she’s stubborn,” she teases. When she sees my horrified expression, she hesitates. “Sorry, am I interrupting?” Before I can reply, she backs into the living room and closes the door.

I wince before deciding the best course of action is to ignore what just happened. I kick off my shoes and shrug from my jacket, avoiding his eyes.

“Who was that?” asks Grizz. The words clog my throat, so I say nothing, hoping he’ll just leave. “Is that kid yours?” He shakes his head, complete confusion across his face. “Nah, you can’t have a kid. It’s tiny.” When I still don’t reply, he pushes past me and heads into the living room. I groan and follow.

Jessica looks up in alarm, almost wilting when she sees the large biker filling the doorway. “Whose kid is that?” he barks. Her eyes glance my way, and he shakes his head again, moving so I’m blocked from her line of sight. “Nah, don’t look at her for answers. Is it her kid?” I don’t see Jessica’s response, but I can tell by the way Grizz freezes that she’s told him the truth.

“What does she owe you?” he snaps, pulling out his wallet. I try and move past him, but he doesn’t allow it. Instead, he stuffs some cash into Jessica’s hand and tells her to get lost. I give her an apologetic smile as she passes, placing Ivy in my arms. She’ll probably never come back again after this.

“Does the Pres know about this, Fable?” he demands, watching me as I lower my daughter carefully into the Moses basket. I shake my head.

“Luna,” I say quietly. “My name is Luna.”



Luna. I like the way it rolls off her tongue. It suits her mystical vibe, and I don’t know why she ever bothered to call herself Fable.

“Luna,” I repeat, smirking a little.

She gives a small shrug of her shoulder. “My mum was a hippie.”

“So, is the kid’s dad around?” She shakes her head. “Why doesn’t that surprise me? Is this why you’ve been avoiding the clubhouse?”

“It’s not exactly good for my business,” she mutters.

“The club’s there to help,” I tell her, knowing full well it’s shit talk. None of the brothers are interested in the club whores’ lives, but they sure as shit wouldn’t touch her knowing she got caught out with a kid. Who knows if she did this shit to entrap some guy?

A realisation hits me. Lexi is right—we don’t give a crap about them, but they’re real people with lives, just like us. I sigh. “Axel and Lexi have paired the brothers up with the . . .” I pause, not wanting to offend her.

“Whores,” she says quietly.

I give a slight nod. “And luckily, you got me.”

“Why is that lucky?”

“Come on, Fable, I know the other women talk about me. I’m never short of offers,” I say, smirking. “I’m here to help out and get to know you,” I peer into the Moses basket, “and this little one, I guess.”

“Well, we don’t need you,” she replies, her tone almost a whisper.