Page 16 of Lance

“That’s a lot of workers, too.” Joe nodded. “All right, we’ll keep an eye on the place, and you can let us know when strangers show up if you can.”

“I can do that.” They shook hands and before he left him, Joe stood in the doorway just looking at him. “She has a son. He’d be about your age, Lance. I don’t have any idea how old she is, but I have a feeling that the two of them lived in that house at one time or another as part of the family. Not that I care, mind you, but I just wanted to give you a heads up about what you might hear or see coming from up there.”

“Thanks.” He thought about a great many things at that moment, but he didn’t have any idea how to talk about them. “Joe, do you think she might be any trouble?”

“No. I don’t know why, but I don’t think so. She’s hard, I think, is the way that I’d put it, but not totally unredeemable.” Joe laughed. “Lance, I surely do hope that she’s one of your other brothers’ mate. It sure would take a load off my shoulders knowing that she has a pride there for her.”

It was pretty much the same thing that he’d been thinking when he’d heard about her. But now, now that he knew more about her, he figured that she wasn’t going to be related to them at all. Not that he would turn her away if she needed it, but Lance thought that she’d be better off taking care of herself than having an overly possessive lion hanging around her. And pissing her off.

He was still working, his mind only on what he was doing, when he realized that he was starving. Going to the little office that he had, there were all kinds of things that he could munch on before dinner. That was when he realized that it was well past dinner time, and he’d not heard from Georgie at all. A little worried, he reached out to her.

“I was in there for about an hour off and on, but you seemed so focused that I couldn’t get you to speak to me. So I left. I’ve never seen anyone get so engrossed in their work as you seemed to do.” He said it was dangerous for a lot of people, especially himself, to not concentrate on the job at home. “I get it. I have the job. The one I tried to tell you about when I was out there. Ms. Farley called here about an hour ago to tell me I’d be perfect. That’s where I was this morning, an interview with her.”

Lance told her about what had happened earlier today while he started cleaning up his things. After telling her that they were going to keep an eye on the place, Georgie laughed.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but if anyone can take care of themselves, it would be her. She’s been in the military at some point in her life, I’m thinking. I don’t know why that keeps circling around in my head, but that’s what I feel.” He told her what Joe had told him about her son and his age. “I met him too. I thought that he was her husband, but she explained that he was her son. The connection between the two of them is tight. Like mother and son but like they’re good for each other.

He said that he’d be inside in a few minutes. Before he could get the door locked up, something bumped hard into his head, knocking him to the ground and hitting his head again. While he didn’t have a clue what was going on, he could hear a voice talking to him.

“I don’t know if this will work or not. Can you hear me?” Nodding, he said that he could but could not see him. “I can show myself, but my magic is up at the—I’ll tell you about it later. Right now, my mistress is in need of help. Just a man that can touch her. You see, I can’t. Shawnie has fallen through the floor and is hurting. I told her not to work on things while there wasn’t anyone there, but—never mind. Please go up to the Farley Mansion and help her out. She’s up to her arms in the floor. I fear that if she were to fall through the floor, she’d die. It’ll be a long drop if no one comes to help her out.”

Telling Georgie what he’d been told, she said she’d meet him there in the truck. Shifting to his beast, Lance ran faster as he made his way in the direction of the house. Thankfully, Georgie had her address, or he might have been still looking when the young woman hurt herself badly.

There wasn’t any way that he could get into the house without breaking a window. Deciding to break one of the smaller panes in the back part of the house, Lance made his way up to the third floor by taking the steps two and three at a time.

When he was on the second floor, he saw her legs dangling from the ceiling. One of her ankles was broken, and there was a puddle of blood below her. Going up the last flight of stairs, he told her who he was and that someone had come to get him to help her.

“Thank god.” She looked around and began talking to a person he couldn’t see. “Finny, go out to the barn, please. He’s going to need a ladder. Find it for him so he can pull me upward.”

As soon as whoever she’d been talking to had left, he supposed, she turned to look at him. He could see the pain on her face and was worried that this was more than just a small tumble on the boards.

“I have one of the boards from the floor here stuck in my chest. I can tell that it’s punctured a lung as well, so there is that as well. I got Finny out so that when you pull me out and I scream that Finny won’t try and hurt you.” He asked her if he could call his brothers. Two of them were doctors. “Yes, by all means do that. But look, I have to get out of this floor. I’m in too much pain to wait any longer.”

“Do you think me pulling you out of the floor won’t hurt you?” She told him that it might make her pass out. “Good thinking. All right. My family is coming here to help me. My brother, Ethan, is head of surgery at the hospital. Kayce, who is younger than me, is a pediatrician. They’ll be very helpful when they arrive. My wife, Georgie, said you hired her. Thank you for that. I think she was going crazy at home without anything to do.”

“Are you jabbering for a reason?” Lance told her that he did that when he was nervous. “All right. I can handle that. And I love your wife. She’s going to help me with this place better than I imagined.” Georgie showed up about five minutes after he did and got some towels and other things from what he assumed was the bathroom.

He told Shawnie all about his family as he tried to figure out how to get her out of the floor without causing her more pain. Finally, she told him just to do it, and Lance leaned over her and literally jerked her up from the floor.

The scream hurt his heart. Christ, she was right in that it made her pass out, but by jerking her up, he’d cut her more. As soon as he laid her on the tarp that he’d found, Kayce showed up. Then Ethan.

Neither one of them said a word but set to work. Her ankle was broken, but she would heal. They were more concerned with the broken ribs that they could see where the board had jammed itself into her.

Giving her something for pain, even though she was out, made her less jumpy when they touched her wounds to clean her up. Lance didn’t think he’d ever been so afraid for another person in his life. He was glad now that Joe told him about her before he’d left.

Chapter 7

Lance was exhausted. He didn’t know if he was ever going to feel rested again. Being a lion, even with his brother being leap leader and being stronger than most lions, he just didn’t want to get out of bed. Reaching for Georgie, she said she was in the shower. Lance asked if she was naked.

“Of course not. I always take a shower with my clothing on. It gives me about twenty to thirty minutes extra by washing my clothing while bathing.” He could hear her frustration. “You idiot. What other way of taking a shower do you know of that you wear something in the shower? Unless you’re wanting to scrub my back.”

He leapt out of bed with a lot of extra energy that he didn’t know he had. Making love last night twice, he’d not bothered with putting any pants on. By the time he’d made it to the bathroom and gotten the door opened, Lance was hard again. Her left breast was exposed when, even though he knew he would regret it, Lance leaned down and licked her nipple, then blew a soft, warm breath across it. Her nipple puckered tight, and her breast tightened immediately. It was a tantalizing sight and one he couldn’t resist. Some men preferred large breasts. Not him. Lance loved the taste that he could get from the kind that could fill his mouth. Asses, too, as a matter of fact.

Bending lower, he pulled the pebble-sized delight into his mouth, suckling gently at first, then harder when she moaned loudly and arched up toward him. That was one of the things that he loved about this woman. She was always as ready as he was when he was in the mood.

He pulled away, knowing that it was much too late now to stop even if she wanted to. But he could tell that she was ready for him. And he was her. Loving this woman any more would surely kill him if they kept this up. Lance needed to have a taste of her to fuck her right here in the shower. Moving her legs apart gently after setting her on the shower seat that he was quickly becoming his favorite part of the house, he moved between them and touched her nether lips once, twice, until finally, he pushed his long finger inside of her.

Both of them moaned at the sensations. The tightness of her nearly made him want to beg her for more, so much more. She was looking at him like he’d become a tasty meal, and he was going to try his best to satisfy her hunger in any way he could.