Page 17 of Lance

As he moved his fingers inside of her, watching her body respond to his movements and hoped that she wouldn’t tell him to stop just yet. His need for release was making him heady for just about anything with her. Suckling her pussy was, well, it was having a juicy part of her that was all his.

Instead of standing up and slipping inside of her, like he wanted to do more than anything, he reached down with his free hand and wrapped his hand around his cock, knowing that it would not be long before he was coming with his beautiful bride. His cock, stiff and achy, sprang upright into his fist.

He moved his fist up and down his shaft in time with the movement of his fingers that were deep inside of Georgie. As he felt her wetness soaking his hand, he pushed two, then three fingers in her wet heat, her body moving with him, undulating and pushing against him, her sheath milking his fingers like he imagined her doing to his cock. Their moans filled the small shower, his deeper hers a sensual concert over his already fevered body.

His body was ready to explode, so close he knew he may come at any second, and he could feel her release was close, too, smell it on her like she’d drenched herself in his cum. That was it, he thought. Standing over her and releasing on her from head to toe. That was all he could think of doing now.

He needed to taste her creamy essences, her spicy juices overwhelmingly plentiful coming from her. Just a taste, he promised himself and leaned down to take her pussy into his mouth and suckled hard. He licked hard against her clit, gathering as much of her cream as he could on his tongue, and drank, lapping more and more into him and down his throat. As she jerked up to stand with her loud scream of release, Lance came as well. His cum jettisoned all over her body. Christ, he thought, it was better than he could have ever imagined. Lance continued to taste her until the last tremor died away.

With her climax, her scent, her special smell for him, strengthened by her release. It poured into him. He could smell the scent that was hers and hers alone as though they were spread out before him just as she was. With a final lap of her juices on her thighs, he leaned his head against her open legs for a few minutes, trying to catch his breath.

Lance raised his head to see if she was affected by what happened between them as much as he was. Looking into her beautiful eyes, Lance fell more in love with her than he was this morning, and he knew that he would find something beautiful that she did tomorrow to have him falling deeper in love with her.

He didn’t move, didn’t even so much as breathe because he knew that he was going to be more sore than he was when he woke up this morning. Laughing a little, he stood—holding onto the shower stall a bit longer than he had planned before he could stand upright and not stagger across the bathroom to get them both a towel. After the two of them were dried off and a towel wrapped around them, the two of them fell into bed without bothering with clothing at all.

When he woke the second time, it was dark outside. Neither one of them had thought about bothering with any other clothing but the towel they had on. Lance felt like he had slept well and was about as rested as he’d ever been. Not even caring about the mess of the room but getting in the bathroom again, he had to laugh as he noticed that he’d held onto everything on his way in there.

The shower was dry, so he took that to mean that Georgie had gotten up and left him a long time ago, or she’d not bothered to shower again. He figured that she’d gone on to work and she’d shower before leaving. Christ, it had been a terrible few weeks, and he just wanted some downtime.

After eating a hardy breakfast, he walked to the Tucker Foundation building. He took him a pad of drawing paper and some pencils to work with and sat down at his desk as soon as he arrived. Whatever happened today, he was going to be prepared. Laughing to himself, he wondered how the hell one prepared themselves for the unknown.

As soon as he sat down at his desk and cleared away the messages that were there for him, he got out his sketch pad and started to work on a leaded glass window panel that he wanted for the kitchen while continuing to keep an eye on the front office as he laid out the grid that he wanted to use.

Denver showed up with subs for lunch. He’d already spoken to Georgie twice. She’d been out doing some tag sales with Dakota, his sister-in-law. Since she had gotten the contract to do the Finley Mansion, she’d been making lists about what would need to be gone into each room.

“David said that they’re planning to go to an auction later tonight. Have you ever been to one?” Lance said that he’d not. “Me either. Bailee wants to go, so I’m going to go with her to keep her hands from putting us in the poor house.

Shawnie would FaceTalk with Georgie several times a day. While she was at tag sales looking for the perfect piece, Shawnie was recuperating at her home from the injuries she sustained when she’d fallen through one of the upper floors. He didn’t envy her not being able to do something while being laid up. But they were making it work and seemed to be having a great deal of fun while doing it.

“We have to go over a couple of contracts for the car company that is going to build here soon.” Lance asked Denver when they were going to break ground. “They did that this morning. The newspaper covered it, and I was happy to hear that they’re going to be hiring about three hundred locals to help with the building. There is still some questions about how many they’ll hire full-time, but people are getting excited.”

“Bailee had me calling manufacturers to see if they’d like to get in on the deals that the government is offering to move and work here. It wasn’t as easily nor well taken as I thought that it might be. I was hung up on three times by people saying that they didn’t want the government in their business. Whatever that means.” Denver said he didn’t know either, but that people were odd. “I’ll agree with you on that. Speaking of oddness, Georgie is out on a finding trip for the lady on the hill like I said. She’s running into some oddballs who think that whatever they’re selling is worth millions, and they’re doing her a favor by selling it to her cheap. I don’t think she’s purchased much from those people, but I guess the house is filling out nicely. She’s been talking to her every night since the accident. I don’t mind, I guess. She’s spending a great deal of money. And paying Georgie weekly. I was worried that it would be difficult getting any money out of anyone for this, but Georgie is happy, so I am as well.”

The auction was to start at five, and they were going to show up at four. He didn’t know why that showing up was so important, but he and Denver, along with Bailee, were there at four on the dot. It looked like a lot of people had the same idea about showing up. Lance started toward Georgie to get a kiss, and she told him through their link that he was to stay away from her. Hurt beyond words, she explained, and he felt a good deal better.

“You have money. Or so the people around here think. Anyway, if they see you bidding on something with me, they’ll jack up the price to make us pay more. I don’t know why that’s true, but I’ve heard a few people talking about David being here with Dakota, and we separated, too. This is fun, don’t you think?” He said he’d never been to an auction before, so he wasn’t sure what was going to happen. “You’ll do fine. The furniture is going to go at five when the auctions starts. They’re afraid of having it out in the rain when it comes. So after that, we can hang out with each other.”

“What is it you’re trying to get?” She laughed and told him she was going to get it. “Oh, pardon me. What is it you’re going to make me carry to the top of the hill?”

Her laughter made him smile, and he had to look away from her, or he was going to run to her and hug the stuffing out of her, something he’d heard one of the kids say and ruin all her plans.

He was sorting through a couple of boxes when he saw this man picking things out and putting them in another box. He didn’t know if that was the way things went, but he mentioned it to Georgie. She said it most definitely wasn’t legal and that she’d let the auctioneer know. He said that he could make the man aware of it without her being involved. Lance could make the man look at the other one and see him doing it. She liked that idea so much better. So within two minutes, not only was the man caught, but he was also told to leave, or the police would be called. That was when Lance saw the signs about cameras and loading boxes. He was much more careful after that in making sure that he put things back where he’d gotten them from.

There was a lot of glassware. Mostly vases, but there was a great many storm windows, too, that he could work with. Thinking about how much he’d have to pay if he were to buy glass to break down, he figured that if he got them for a couple of bucks a piece, he’d be out ahead. Besides that, there were colors that he couldn’t get anymore, and he was happy to get to bid on them. Denver joined him as he was making notes on the pieces that he wanted to bid on.

“You’re not going to believe this, but there are three kilns over there that are for sale. The shelves alone would make it worthwhile if I could get them cheap enough. Kilns run about three grand without shelving, so I figured that if I could get them for a grand, I’d be out ahead. I want to change them to raku kilns. Something that I’ve been wanting to try for a while now.” They were, too, using their links so that no one would understand that they were together. “Find anything you want?”

He told him about the glassware. Denver told him that some of the glass was valuable and he might want to look them up on his phone. Looking around, he could see that others were doing the same thing at other parts of the auction, and he didn’t hesitate to do the same. Some of the pieces were very old, but most of them were chipped and devalued their worth by a great deal.

There were a lot of box lots, too. Hundreds of them that looked like someone had just emptied out the drawers of desks and put them out. He was intrigued more than anything about the auction, seeing someone’s life laid out on their front law like this. Wondering what had made this come to this, he felt a little sad for the couple that had to end their years together by selling off their treasures. Turning away from the lots, he spotted the furniture.

While he wasn’t interested in any of it, he could see that very few people were looking it over. He knew from Georgie that people would look from a distance so they’d not tip their hand. He saw her standing under the tree with an older couple having a good time. He wanted to join her, just to be with her and to enjoy the laughter, but he knew that this was important to her. Then, the auctioneer announced that he had some rules to go over.


Georgie was glad that he mentioned loading boxes right off. People looked around, trying to decide who had done such a thing, and she simply looked at the man in charge. Lance was still at the box lots, and she’d bet anything he was over there so as not to hit someone who would outbid her. She had a feeling that he would, too, and that made her laugh a little.

“The furniture will be first on the list of getting rid of. They were calling for rain earlier today, but it looked mighty pretty now. So we’ll go ahead in that order and get it ready for people to pack up.” He started on the living room set. “Let me start this out at one thousand dollars.”