“Come on, baby. It’s my senior year. And it’s literally the last time I get to attend this rally. Let’s go together,” I implore.

Katerina’s lying face up on my bed. Long sexy legs crossed, blonde hair fanning out behind her. She has a tablet out, staring up at it and seemingly not listening to me.

It’s only been three months since this amazing, gorgeous woman agreed to date me. And sometimes it’s still crazy that she did.

“No,” she says without even looking at me.

I take a seat on the beanbag and stare at her for a couple of seconds. With Katerina, it takes incentives to get her to do things she doesn’t want to. I just have to think about something she wants more. Dating her has taught me diplomatic negotiating. I love every second of it.

She finally turns her head to look at my face, big brown eyes narrowing.

“I can practically smell the smoke, Xan. You’re not convincing me to go to that rally. No way. Rallies are loud and messy and uncomfortable. There’ll be too many people.”

“Yeah, but I’ll be right beside you.”

She rolls her eyes, “You’re exaggerating your importance in this scenario.”

“Oh come on, beautiful. I’ll take you to see that play you wanted to see.”

“I can take myself,” she says dryly, eyes going back to her tablet.

I chuckle. Katerina’s a woman that doesn’t take any bullshit. Dating her could pose some challenges to most people. But I’ve always liked a good challenge. Enjoyed it even. Seeing her fires up something in me. Makes me strive to be even better.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned dating her, it’s that no one’s better than her. I come from a home where everything was turned into a competition and I had to work hard every day to be better. With Katerina, that element is still there, but there’s less pressure. There’s no beating the insanely beautiful, intelligent woman that’s my girlfriend. And I’ve made peace with it. I enjoy it even.

“Alright fine,” I say, clapping my hands together. “What’s it going to take for you to go to this rally with me, Katerina Petrov?”

She perks up at that, seemingly interested. I fight back a grin as she sits up, her legs swinging down to the floor. She looks at me, brown eyes fierce.

“I want a weekend gateway,” she states.


“I want one weekend, with just us. None of your friends, no parties. I want you to myself for three nights. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We can go anywhere, hiking, camping, any of those shit you like. But I want it to be just us.”

Something warm slides through my chest. I stare at her for a couple of moments, completely dumbfounded.

“You hate hiking and camping and all that outdoor stuff,” I manage to say.

She shrugs, the shirt she’s wearing, sliding off her shoulder. “Yeah, but they’re slightly manageable when I’m doing it with you.”

My mouth widens into a grin. “So you do love me.”

“When did I say that, Xan?” she sighs.

In the time we’ve been dating, I’ve said the words a total of twenty four times, she’s said it a total of zero times. But I know she loves me. For some reason, Katerina has a hard time saying the words. It’s okay though, because I understand her. Better than most people.

I get to my feet, sit on the bed and, pull her into my arms. We both fall onto the mattress, lying down.

“It’s okay, baby. I get it. What was that about me over exaggerating my importance again?” I question teasingly.

“Shut up, Xan,” she mumbles, punching my shoulder.

I chuckle. “We can go on as many weekend gateways you want, baby. Just say the word and I’ll do it.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m just worried,” she says softly.

I lean slightly away to look at her face. “Worried about what?”