“What do you even know about robotics?”

“Nothing, which is exactly why I joined. I want to learn.”

“You know you don’t have to know everything right?”

“Sure, but I do have to be the best.”

Sophia sighs softly. “So you haven’t made any friends, you’ve been attending a shit ton of classes and you’ve joined one club. That’s it?”

“Well…” I trail off, wondering if I should share this tidbit of information.

“What? What is it?”

“There’s this one guy that did ask for my number?”

“Let me guess, you shut him down hard, glared at him. Or maybe you made him cry?” she laughs.

I smile. “I did that one time. And no, none of the above. I actually did give him my number.”

“Are you serious? Oh my God, how did he achieve that?”

“He was annoyingly persistent,” I mutter. “And really good looking.”

Sophia giggles. “Oh my God, yes! This is what I needed to hear. You need to go out with him. Please tell me you’re going out with him.”

I roll my eyes at her excitement.

“He technically did ask me out on a date. But he hasn’t texted so maybe he’s no longer interested,” I shrug.

“If he doesn’t get back to you, you have my permission to shoot him,” she says.

“I’m not going to shoot anyone on campus. Papa made me promise that I wouldn’t make him clean up any murders in college.”

I’m only half joking. Obviously I’m not some psychopathic bitch who goes around shooting people. But my father really did make me promise not to be involved in any murders. My move to Boston was allowed only on the condition that I remained low key throughout my entire stay. When I’m here, I’m not a mafia princess. I’m just Katerina.

The problem is, Katerina doesn’t know how to be herself outside of the mafia world. It’s been hitting me that I have no identity apart from my family.

“Fine, don’t murder him. But a swift kick in the balls the next time you see him?”

“I’ll put it under advisement,” I tell her.

She’s telling me about a fight that broke out at her school when my phone pings with a text. I lift it from my ear and it’s an unknown number. But the contents make it pretty clear who it is.

Hey beautiful. You like bowling? You, me, tomorrow afternoon?

“Sophia, it turns out might not need to murder him after all,” I inform my sister.

After replying Xander’s text and agreeing to the date, I spend the rest of the night wondering at my choices and plans for my future. I might not know who I am but I’ve always known who I wanted to be.

The problem with plans though, is that they have a way of getting derailed. In painful, unexpected ways. But before the derailment of my plans, I get the chance to fall in love. And I also the get the chance to lose that love, leaving me more broken than I was before.



People make a lot of mistakes when they’re young and dumb. My mistake, was falling in love.