Page 99 of Ring Of Truth

“I’m putting my name on that birth certificate,” Darragh says. “I’m raising this baby as my own. You can walk away.”

“If that’s the case…” Cormac laughs sickeningly. “You go and let her murdering father believe you did this to her, Dar.”

“I’d be more afraid of Lachlan if I were you. He will find you,” Darragh taunts, reclaiming the family he pushed away. “Kieran wants you home. He’s in charge. You fucked up your freedom. The freedom I worked to keep for you. Do you know how many lies I’ve told for you? How I covered for you and your drug issues, and your gambling, and your debts?”

Darragh waits for some kind of response. Getting none, he takes a breath and lowers his head.

“No more. My daughter is in this house. How dare you break in here! We’re through, Cormac. And if you think because we’re blood, our brothers will go easy on you, you’re mistaken.”

Darragh and Cormac are more than blood. They’re identical.

They shared a womb, did everything together. Undergrad, medical school, their residencies. They only had each other for so long, and now Darragh is pushing him away.

For me.

“Then I’ll work harder not to be found.” Cormac laughs.

“With what?”

Cormac doesn’t answer, and I wonder how the hell he got here from Southern California. How did he get money? And where will he go?

Cormac sticks his foot on the sill to climb out the window. “Forget about me, brother.”

Seconds later, he’s gone.

“Fuck,” Darragh says and rushes to the window.

He closes and locks it as I rock on the floor, pain radiating through me. Cormac will come back. I’m sure of it. He wanted to make me give birth and tear the child from my arms. The father of my baby. Tears roll down my face, processing that one.

“Are you okay?” Darragh tosses the gun and the knife on the bed to check my neck. “Thank God. It’s just a scrape.”

“I’m having cramps, Darragh. Bad.”

“Let’s get you into the bathroom. Let me examine you.”

“Just hold me, please.”

He pulls me into his arms while I shake against his hard muscles. “Come on. I need to see if you’re bleeding.”

Without waiting, he lifts me and carries me into the bathroom.

He sits me on the small stool from under the counter and reaches to take off my underwear.

“Open your legs for me.” He kisses my forehead while gingerly fingering me. “Does that hurt?”


“Good.” Darragh exhales. “There’s no blood. We’re getting an ultrasound as soon as it’s light out.”

I nod, agreeing. “Did you and Cormac share women?”

He stares at me, then looks away. “In college, a few times. We used to…trick our girlfriends.”

I don’t know what to make of that. Other than, they were young.

So was I when I made this huge mistake. Darragh isn’t that man anymore. No more than I am that reckless princess.

“Did you send your wife away?” I ask, because that wasn’t so long ago.