Page 100 of Ring Of Truth

“Absolutely not,” he scoffs. “Do you think I want my daughter living without a mother?”

I shake my head, believing him. Cormac is a world-class liar. Darragh has claimed me so viscerally. He only wants me.

“Ana, listen to me carefully. I have to check on Sophie and then call Riordan.” He kisses my forehead.

Nodding, I hold myself. “Katya… I want to talk to my sister.”

“They haven’t told her yet where you are. I’m sorry.” Darragh strokes my face, growling. “You’re mine. I will avenge what he tried to do.”

I worried what Cormac did to me would start a war with my family. Now it appears I might have started a war within the O’Rourke clan.

I’m lost in thought when Darragh comes back to the bathroom, the sound of his gun on the marble vanity jolting me back to awareness.

“Is Sophie okay?”

“Perfect. Sleeping.” He scrolls on his phone. “I checked her windows and locked her bedroom door.”

“Where did you get that gun?”

“I bought it. Legally. I have my daughter to protect.” He taps the screen and brings the phone to his ear. “Yeah, I know what time it is. Riordan, we have a problem. Cormac broke out of rehab. He came here to my house. In the middle of the night. He tried to kidnap Anastasia.” He stares at me, anger brimming in his eyes. “He’s fucking out of it. Uh huh. Uh huh. Look, I have to protect Sophie and Anastasia. She’s going to give birth soon. Take care of this. I know I kept you out of the loop and covered for him. No more.” Darragh puts his head down, shaking it from side to side. “No more. I will kill him the next time he gets near the women I love.”



“Hi! Are you Sophie’s new nanny?” A woman approaches me waiting for the afternoon bus drop off.

She stares at my stomach while twirling a green and white monstrosity of an umbrella that matches her raincoat. Only in Seattle is an umbrella a fashion accessory.

Anyone looking at me though, makes me feel like they know my secret. How Cormac, my baby’s father, handled me so roughly a few nights ago. I’ve also been experiencing on and off cramping from his brutality. Thankfully, that ultrasound showed the baby is perfectly fine.

“Yeah, I am.” I twirl my basic black umbrella, fearful of strangers, not knowing who the hell knows who in this life anymore.

Add social media to the equation, and it’s two degrees of separation these days.

“I’m Lucy.” The cheery mom smiles.

“Ana. I’m just helping Darragh out.” I downplay the relationship in case she sees right through to my crown. That I’m a princess and not nanny material. “And he’s helping me.”

Plus, the more upfront I am, the fewer people will speculate and gossip.

“When are you due?”

“A couple of days.” I absorb the frown because every pregnant woman I’ve come across knows her exact date and harps on it like a holiday.

“I’m guessing it’s a boy in there! You look amazing.”

“Yeah, it’s a boy.” I brush my swollen belly ceremoniously. “Thank you. Unfortunately, I don’t feel amazing.”

I feel so big and disgusting. I don’t want anyone near me. Not even Darragh. But he understands and hasn’t pushed for sex.

“Oh, I haven’t met one woman late in her pregnancy who does. First baby?”

I nod.

“That’s always the hardest. Say, my daughter’s been wanting Sophie over for a playdate.”

This mom doesn’t look suspicious, but my guard is up.